February 20, 2021

VERY cold again this morning – ‘feels like’ was 3* when I left the house at 8:00am. Ginny and I met at Bob Evans in New Stanton for breakfast. We always do a lot of sharing, a lot of laughing, and our share of eating! I love hearing her Charlie and Gracie (Poodle puppies) stories. And we caught up on each other’s families and work and of course: COVID! Seems to be the topic of most conversations…


And I found my rug! Greensburg’s store said they had 2, but then cancelled my online order. Delmont said they had 4, but cancelled my online order. Norwin said they didn’t have any (but I’m stubborn!) but I ordered thru them and they filled the order in less than 3 hours! Walmart is CRAZY!!! But I’m happy!

Matching rug

I ushered at the Greensburg Civic Center for Bear – the play was I DO! I DO! I DO! I DO! It was almost entirely a musical; very little talking. The two performers were very good. The theater wasn’t crowded but they do live-stream now so they sold many more tickets that way. (And don’t tell the CDC – I got a big thank you hug from Bear! Those are very rare in this COVID-centered age!!!)

I’m going to catch up on one of Mike’s past messages, which I missed posting. About Disrespect as a relationship destroyer. When you devalue or disrespect one of God’s creations, you are disrespecting God. We should respect: 1) Aging – seek their wisdom 2) Parents – honor them and benefit from their care & nurturing 3) Those in authority. Don’t blaspheme boss, teacher, government. You can disagree without being disrespectful. No one is either right or wrong all the time. 4) EVERYONE – show proper respect to everyone, because they are God’s creation. When we disrespect we put ourselves above others. We as a whole have very low regard for life. We will have to give an account; it isn’t going unnoticed. Always show respect: People will notice!

Mike from Hempfield

On this day in 1962 John Glenn was the first American to orbit the earth. Sidney Poitier was born in 1927 (First black actor to win an Oscar). Robert Peary died at age 63 in 1920 – he was the first explorer to reach the North Pole (other than Santa). And in 1974 Cher filed for separation from Sonny Bono. And Mike’s wife Shirley Hazelton is having a birthday today – wishing her many, many more happy years surrounded by her family and friends. Happy birthday Shirley!!

John Glenn, the first American to orbit the Earth, getting into his spacecraft Friendship 7 in 1962
John Glenn
May be an image of 2 people
Shirley (on the left) with Janet — several years ago!

TOMORROW February  21 is:

I’m looking forward to a good night’s sleep, several sermons tomorrow – and an overflow of God’s blessings!!!

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