Easter 2017

Rainbow 4-17Yesterday was so lovely.  The day started with an early morning walk, complete with a full rainbow in the sky across the road.  The dark sky was the perfect backdrop.  It was a reminder of the promises that God makes and keeps – we are His and were redeemed through his blood!  My little Sunday School class learned that when someone says ‘He is Risen’ that they should respond with ‘He is Risen Indeed!’  ss

Lunch was at 2:30pm, and we had way too much food.  Everyone (except Chase!) always eats too much but always has room for dessert.  The big kids hid the candy-filled plastic eggs and the younger kids went in search. 

Before they received their treat baskets I had them sit on the steps for a family photo.Kids 4-17  This year we took two: the first one was identical to the picture we took last year.  Matt and Jen joined the photo for the second picture. Kids.1 4-17 So rare that they were all together!  The day ended with my packing away all the decorations and tucking the boxes in their place in the garage. 

I was so exhausted that I wasn’t sure if I’d make it to bed.  But then I was up about 6 times during the night!  It was such a great day with my precious family that I just kept reviewing everything in my mind.  So blessed – to be part of the family of God, and to have my kids/grandkids share in the day!

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