Right after Christmas last year we all got together via email messages and finally chose the weekend of April 27/28 for our 2018 Dillweed B&B Skunk Hollow Women’s Fest event. We had not been to the B&B in a few years, trading it in for bonfires in Beth’s back yard. But we were able to see the virtue in moving the event from fall to spring, and made it happen.
We love the Dillweed (Innkeepers Kyra and Corey Gilmore), with all the quaint little nick knacks sitting around.
Out of the eleven of us, Susan was the only one who could not attend due to minor dental surgery. We sure missed her! It just wasn’t the same without our Sue! Beth committed to driving up a little early so she could get the keys from Corey and Kyra before they left at 5pm. Kath and I got there a little after 5 and several of the girls were already there, sitting on the porch enjoying the evening sunshine.

By the time everyone arrived and all the luggage and food were inside, we were definitely starving, so we sat about getting the food ready.
Gail and Connie drove the five minutes to the pizza place and we had a feast. Although everything was yummy, my favorites were Beth’s Charleston Cheese Dip and Holly’s triple chocolate brownies. My friend Gen from New York sent us a goodie box which she ordered from Michigan, containing cherry salsa, huge cookies, chocolate covered cherries and trail mix. It was her way of being part of the group and we appreciated the goodies.

As we ate, we sat around the parlor and talked about anything and everyone. We sometimes got off on tangents, such as bucket lists and life regrets. There was a lot of laughing – which is super good for the soul! – and also a lot of commiserating with the regrets. We all had them. Holly shared that when her mom was so sick, she told Holly that she wished she would have bought more dresses. My aunt and uncle were very frugal, and it was her way of saying that she needed to let go a little and do fun things. So our slogan for the weekend – and probably a permanent for the group! – is ‘Buy the Dress!’ My friend Ron saw a sign in a window today and txt it to me : Say Yes To The Dress.
So there you go. It’s official. It doesn’t pay to be careless but it’s good to let go once in a while. Buy the Dress! Karen V had to leave about 10pm as she had another commitment early morning 🙁 I had two essays to read aloud – one about my dad’s horses, and one about going Home (meaning Home PA, where we all connect). We munched and talked and stayed up until almost 1am. We had free reign of the whole B&B so we walked around in the gift shop, looking at all the neat items, figuring out what we were going to purchase in the morning. I really loved this sign, and almost said ‘yes…’ but practicality won out in the end.
Soon we were all settled in an ‘herb’ room
– Kath and I had Parsley.

Kath, Holly and I got up at 7am and went walking 2 miles on the Ghost Town Trail, which is adjacent to the B&B. We also took a stroll around the herb garden.
By the time we were all up and dressed, Kyra had breakfast ready. As expected (and as always!) it was delicious! My favorite, though, was the chocolate chip scones.
Kyra was kind enough to share the recipe, and I already bought the ingredients to make them – soon! Connie had a 50’s event to attend and left a little after breakfast – but she looked cute all dressed up in her wig and poodle skirt and saddle shoes! Checkout time was 11am, but no one said anything when we sat in the front room and talked until almost 1pm. 
It was hard to say goodbye to everyone, and we already have another event out for consideration. Destination Albion – September 2018! Hugs to my fellow Skunk Hollow Girls – see you all soon!
Explanation of photos: Welcome at the front door
Angel on my dresser
Mini tea set in the dining room
Karen O, Kathy, and Marge standing; Gail sitting in chair
Colleen, Connie, and Holly on the swing
Karen V, Colleen, and Connie
Kathy and Marge standing on the sidewalk
Karen O and Kathy standing
Holly and Karen O on swing
Marge Standing; Gwen sitting in chair
Yes to the Dress!
Sign I really wanted to buy!
Herb rooms and herb garden
Kathy Marge and Connie sitting on steps
Bottom to top: Connie and Gail bottom; Karen O, Holly, and Gwen – middle row; Colleen, Marge, Kathy and Beth on top.
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