December 8th, 2014

Gen & Marge - Mom's 80th party

Yesterday, December 7th, my best friend from high school – Gen Morris – celebrated her birthday.  She is such a special person, and I am so honored and blessed that we have stayed friends and kept in touch.

From the first day we met – at lunch in the cafeteria at Youngwood Junior High School – when we shared a Lebanon bologna sandwich and a snack – we have been (as Anne Shirley from Anne of Green Gables said) kindred spirits.

When she moved to Rochester NY the year after my divorce, I was broken hearted.  But we sucked it up and made a pact to keep close even though far away, and to this day we have kept that pact.

Dad's horses0001When my dad and sister had horses, Gen was ‘in love’!  She so enjoyed riding and caring for them – I preferred my 63 Chevy!  But Dad treated her like a daughter, and we had great times growing up together.

Even though I went through some tough times, made some really stupid choices, and lost my way a few times, she stuck with me and by me and picked me up when I didn’t deserve to be picked up.  I am thankful for her life, for her friendship, and for the strong, fine Christian woman that she is.  So Gen, I wish you a wonderful, happy, love-filled life, and know that I am always there for you!  Happy, happy birthday –  Love you much!!  

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