Started out this morning with a little stress with a bit of snow. My cousin needed title work done, so he came over and while I was filling out papers, he and his son shoveled my driveway. So all was good!
I did laundry, had breakfast, and Kathy called. We don’t get to talk on the phone very often so we had a nice chat – about 45 minutes. Then I talked to Autmn for about 20 minutes. Cameron is doing well and enjoying all the mischief he can possibly get into. She’s getting ready for Nate and Jen to go down tomorrow night.
I stitched a little place on a slipper sock, did some ironing, and then went upstairs to put my Christmas clothes away until next year.
I was organizing the piles when I heard a loud crash. I rushed into the bathroom and a glass vase slid off the back of the toilet, crashed to the floor, and broke in pieces. I carefully picked up the big pieces, then salvaged the colored stones that were in the vase. Then I swept everything up. I found a new vase and everything is sort of back to normal. I can’t explain why the vase fell. It may have just vibrated too close to the edge.
Right now it’s 24* with heavy snow predicted. I can’t see past the neighbor’s house. I walked up earlier to bring the trash can down but the mail hadn’t gone yet. I’m not going back out tonight!
Scripture for today: Genesis 1:27
TOMORROW January 4th is:
Free Flower Basket Day; National CanDo Day; National Spaghetti Day; National Trivia Day; Pop Music Chart Day; Tom Thumb Day; Weigh In Day; National Play Outside Day.
Tomorrow I WON’T play outside if it’s this cold and snowy! I CanDo the driveway if I have to! Not weighing in for a few more days. And I’ll be happy to get a flower basket! God bless…
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