Christmas Day 2014

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The most amazing thing happened today.  Santa misplaced two of his reindeer and they landed – plop! – right in my yard.  I went to breakfast with Nathan, Autmn and Christina, and when I came home, Prancer and Comet were munching in my yard.

Snoopy and company were making them right at home, and they never even blinked an eye when I pulled into the drive.  They are quite happy and content there, so I invited them to stay.  They assured me that Santa would not mind, as there is a new generation of reindeer waiting in the wings.

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Thanks – a very huge, loving thanks – to Ron Shafer for making this happen, in more ways than one.  Merry Christmas to everyone, and may all your reindeer be as content as mine!
God Bless!

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