August 8, 2024

My first chore of the day was a doctor’s appointment at Latrobe Hospital. It was a follow up from a pulmonary function test I had in February. There are two other tests I need to have done – to determine treatment. I don’t really have issues right now, but I also don’t push it, either! Both tests are mid-month so we’ll see!

From there I got tomatoes at Palmers, stopped at both Pinnacles, then came home. I had corn for lunch but had a tomato for supper.

one for lunch.

I spent a little time outside pulling a few weeds, then I took a walk. I feel like I need to get back into a routine of that. I liked seeing my house from the bottom road; right now it’s fairly neat.

My house from the street below me.

My toe nails needed touched up so I just changed the color. They were blue. They are a little rough around the edges but that’s the best my hands can manage.

Di was needing to cheer up a friend, so she stopped and got a few flowers from my yard. She did a lovely job of putting together a nice bouquet!

Happy flowers.

I just balanced my checkbook but there is a mystery attached. As long as there is more money than I THOUGHT there was (and not less!) I’m ok with that! I’ll check it again over the weekend.

Today was 33 years since Stoney passed away. Hard to believe it’s been that long.

Back in the 70’s

My blessing for today was my yummy lunch and supper with fresh garden produce!

PEANUTS Thought for the Day:

TOMORROW August 9th is:

National Co Working Day; National Book Lovers Day; National Hand Holding Day; National Rice Pudding Day; National Women’s Day; Shop Online for Groceries Day; National Passion Fruit Day; National Eye Glasses Day.

Yesterday’s fake day was Twinkly Lights day. Tomorrow let’s celebrate books! I LOVE books! Wear glasses if you need to, especially to read. God bless…

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