August 4, 2024

TODAY is Friendship day and Sisters day. My friends and support circle are amazing and I value every one of them! So sending hugs and thanks for their unfailing support in my life! And here’s to MFS (my favorite sister) – couldn’t navigate the roads of life without you, sweet sister!

Max’s family was out of town, and Jackson/Cody came for second service, so it was just Gracie for Sunday School. She is such a sweetheart and we are going to miss her quiet, sincere spirit when the classes move on in September. Our lesson was about Jesus blessing the children, and she was so fun to teach.

Doing her favorite puzzle that actually fit in with the lesson!

Todd had another very compelling lesson. It was about Jonah this week. Why do we run from God’s directions? We need to just obey, and never say no to God. He will never fail us. He brings us back, doesn’t PAY us back. My favorite thought of the whole sermon was that God reroutes us from where we ARE, not where we started. He doesn’t reject us but guides us in every circumstance. I’m glad He’s a God of second chances — and 3rd, and 4th, and…..

I had toast and tomato (my last tomato!) for lunch, then cut the grass. It was pretty hot but there was a breeze and I took several breaks. Nice to have it done for a few days.

Side yard
Front yard

Tomorrow is corn day at the farm, so I made macaroni salad for lunch to take. Kath and I will leave early and make a day of it, and take sandwiches and dessert for us all. This is last year’s photo from corn day!

Macaroni salad
Cart full of corn husks!

My blessing today was actually Todd’s message, making a story that I’ve heard my whole life come alive with a new meaning!

PEANUTS Thought for the Day:

TOMORROW August 5th is:

Blogger Day; National Oyster Day; National Pink Flower Day; National Underwear Day; Work Like a Dog Day.

Yesterday’s fake day was National Frog Day. Tomorrow, of course, is CORN day! And we WILL work like a dog. Have a great day, and put on clean underwear…. God bless…

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