August 4, 2022

Work was light this morning – and that helped since I had my yearly dermatologist appointment. For the first time in YEARS I was all good! No spots or bumps or issues. YEA! When I got home they had just finished top-coating my driveway. It looks really nice. It did, however, rain really hard this afternoon. I’ll give it a good week then have them come back and check it. There was really enough time for it to dry before the rain but after the last fiasco I won’t take any chances. Since I can’t use the driveway, I’m parking in the yard. I don’t like to chance parking on the street.

Parking in the yard…

We got the cabin taxes last week, and today my house taxes. This the season…

Cabin – sadly in disrepair

I went outside just to walk around the yard, and I noticed the strangest spider web I have ever seen. I think our spider friend found a piece of string somewhere and wove it into the web. You can see the spider behind. It’s really ugly. I didn’t have the heart to knock it down after it worked so hard to create this masterpiece.

Isn’t this amazing? It’s about a foot out from the wall.

Then I spent the afternoon with zucchinis. Made a big casserole (which will shortly be my supper!) and 2 loaves of zucchini bread. I had enough zucchini to grate and freeze for 4 more loaves. Yum!


Tomorrow I have to go in search of pineapple Mt. Dew for Logan. I think Shop and Save or Giant Eagle will be a good choice.

Mountain Dew Maui Burst Is Now A Permanent Soda Flavor

August 4 – Tell of an experience climbing a mountain or big hill. “We played on a slate bank down the road from where we lived. I thought it was really a neat place & we all had our own ‘path’ that we used to climb up and then back down. It was harder to climb down than to climb up.” We played on that slate bank, too! We loved sitting in the grassy spot at the top under the trees, watching cars go by. They couldn’t see us.

Calendar inspiration – Making a daily to-do list can help you focus. (That me me 100%! I always have lists, at least one!)

Quote –

I made a huge to do list for today. I just can't figure out who's going to  do...

Scripture –

Christian to do list: – Seeds of Faith
Here’s your list for tomorrow!

Random picture –

School bus shelter catty-cornered from the slate bank.

TOMORROW August 5 is:

I totally intend to wear underwear, but no beer, oysters, or hard work for me. I also don’t see water balloons in my day tomorrow! Just Pineapple Mt. Dew! God bless…

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