August 26, 2022

I lazed reading in bed to finish the last chapter of a book so I could start reading Liz’s newest release. I had just finished it and stepped in the shower and Kathy called. She never calls from work unless it’s something timely so I jumped out to chat. We discussed plans and I jumped back in – and she called back! So I jumped out again. I was laughing and dripping everywhere but it’s all good. Then after pulling weeds I came in and jumped in the shower real quick and again got a call! So showering today was a challenge. But I’m clean so that’s ok.

See related image detail

After a bagel for breakfast and starting laundry, I drove down to L&L. I was looking for board books for the baby shower (not to read in the shower!) and they always have really nice ones there. So I was able to get two cute ones. I saw a metal cooler like the one we used to have when I was growing up. Dad always said these things ‘fell off a truck.’ I don’t even want to analyze what that means… Then I stopped at Walmart to get items for the ‘pounding’ they are having for our new minister’s family. Do you know what a pounding is? I bought baking supplies because I think they are essential!

Old cooler

Once I had lunch I went outside to pull weeds. I got the rest of that section below the fence and a little section by the driveway gate. It’s shaping up but a lot left to do!

Tiny section by gate.
Yikes! Wonder what lives in there…

Kathy had put me onto a website where you can order free COVID tests from the government. They came today. There was a box missing (they send them two at a time), and I was curious about that, but the mailman stopped on his way back down the hill and put another package on my porch! I also got an LTD catalog which can get me into trouble if I’m not careful. Nothing called my name so I’m safe again! Maybe I’ll iron tonight, or read another section of stories. When I start reading Liz’s books I have trouble doing anything else!

Package of tests and the LTD catalog.

August 26 – Describe how you used the phone to call a friend. “We had to turn a crank on the right side of the wall phone. Each person had their own ‘ring.’ Ours was one long and one short. To call long distance you rang one long ring & then when you got the operator (Minnie Nephe) you gave her the town and number.” I remember doing that at Grama’s!

Calendar inspiration – Beware – it’s easy to get caught up in the trivial things of everyday life.

Quote –

See the source image

Scripture –

See the source image

Random photo –

Everyday life – Peyton building a rabbit trap!

TOMORROW August 27th is:

Tomorrow I am going out HOME – just because… there is a baby shower and just because they have corn for us! So that will be my day! God bless…

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