August 17, 2024

Today is Karen Walker Ober’s birthday (Skunk Hollow Cousin). Sending a huge birthday wish to Karen out in Mt. Joy, PA! Love you!

Karen being an ELF!!!

I didn’t sleep last night and I’m still coughing, but since this is a measured med pack I’ve only taken 3 pills. I’m hoping by tomorrow evening I’ll notice a difference. My list was very small today, and I got everything done but making cookies. Maybe tomorrow for that. I had planned on going to the church picnic at Twin Lakes but since it’s to rain and be wet all day that seems like an unwise way to spend a day, being outside in the dampness with a cough.

Twin Lakes Pavilion 5
Twin Lakes Pavilion 5

I did normal sheets and laundry and breakfast and lunch. I did take about 20 minutes to go to Dollar Tree and purchase get well cards. I want to send one to Tonia, and one to my dear friend Patty Buschek who is in the hospital, and also to my Bear. He called me this morning and he is having surgery on August 26th – he has cancer on his tongue. He’ll have the tumor removed, then have radiation and chemo. So he has a road ahead of him, too. I’m lifting these special, dear people up in prayer, and thankful He has them in His hands! Love you guys!

Tonia with Jesse
Patty and Me
Me with Bear.

After I got the cards I dropped a loaf of bread off at Kathy’s house – they weren’t home. They stopped to see Tonia and then went to a play in Pittsburgh that was scheduled since early summer.

Loaf of ‘love’.

I heard thunder and expected it to rain. Despite the darker clouds it has not yet rained. I took a few pictures of blooming flowers.

Clouds rolling in.
Roses on the hill
Rose of Sharon

My blessing today – Flower power!

PEANUTS Thought for the Day:

May be an image of text

TOMORROW August 18th is:

Bad Poetry Day; Green Man Festival Day; National Ivy Day; National Ice Cream Pie Day; National Mail Order Catalog Day; Never Give Up Day; Serendipity Day.

Yesterday’s fake day was National Clouds Day. Tomorrow- DON’T write bad poetry, or even read it. Ice Cream in any form is a good idea, and of course, NEVER give up! God bless… (And remember to pray for Tonia, Patty, and Bear)

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