August 11, 2022

Logan slept in this morning, so I got the whole house cleaned except for his room. Just started mowing when he woke up, so made him breakfast, finished mowing, then got a shower. Otherwise it was a fairly common day.

Breakfast for Logan – scones!

We went over to Kathy’s about 5:30pm so she and I could watch a zoom lecture about the Gilded Age – filmed partially in Newport RI. The speaker was so knowledgeable and very funny, and it was amazing to see how they constructed buildings and chose sites for the scenes. It was very fun!

From there we went for supper at Chipotle’s – Logan got a rice/chicken burrito and I just had chips – I don’t eat much Mexican food. But when I saw some of the choices I almost changed my mind! But it was fine. We stopped at Walmart for reunion food, which was a disaster. They didn’t have most of what I went for, and then I forgot something I needed. The card reader didn’t work and they had to move me to another register. I think I will never go shopping again. These last two days have been very trying!

Dinner for Logan (and me!)
Dessert – he said they were very good. They looked like tiny Gobs!

August 11- Did you ever play in the sprinkler or hose? “We didn’t have enough water pressure to use a hose. We would go to the creek behind the barn. It had leaches in the cold stream. They would ‘leach’ onto our feet and legs. Dad would put his lit cigarette against them & they would release their suction & fall off.” Now doesn’t THAT sound like fun???

Calendar inspiration – take time to reflect on all you have achieved this past year. You’ll be impressed!

Quote –

See the source image

Scripture – Not actually a scripture verse, but very inspiring!

See the source image

Random photo –

I accomplished cutting back a lot of my flower beds. They are always beautiful in the beginning but get overgrown as they mature.

TOMORROW August 12th is:

I kept all my favorite vinyl records, and do have a record player so listen occasionally! And I have Kelly’s middle child with me all week so we will have to do something special!! God bless…

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