August 1, 2022

The day is sunny but cool enough to be comfortable working outside. After work and lunch I cut the grass, pulled weeds on the stone bank, and put another stepping stone by my the deck. The grass isn’t growing there and I was stepping in squish. Hoping it works, but may have to raise the stone a bit. Looks like it’s planted too deep and will collect water and still be squishy!

I haven’t seen the bird since I got back on Saturday afternoon, but I was outside today and noticed that he scratched the paint off my window sill and it’s very noticeable. I will wait a few days to make sure he’s done courting, then touch up the paint.

I cleaned out my garden cart and got it organized. Now it’s neat and outside where I can get to it easier. I’m sure I’ll use it more now than when it was in the garage.

In the meantime, I snapped a few photos of some newly blooming yellow flowers. I am SO tempted to cut the yellow rose and bring it inside – but I think it would die too quickly. So I’ll let it bloom away in the sunshine!

Bright yellow fllowers
Yellow Rose

I stopped at the mall on the way home to buy my bath bar soap at Barbara Ann’s. Center court is setting up their back to school train. I know it’s August already but I am not ready to think of summer being over already!

Back to school

August 1 – If you were to return to your youth, what would you do differently? “I would like to learn more things that a woman needs to know to be a better mother and wife. Education is very important.” I think my mom did a LOT of things well, and right – and she was a wonderful mother and wife!

Calendar inspiration –

Quote –

Quote - Rejoice in what you have!

Scripture –

Mom’s favorite verse

Random Photo –

My young mother!

TOMORROW August 2 is:

Ice cream is always good to celebrate in any form. Since I’m having a dental procedure tomorrow I may have to stick with ice cream and soft foods. Have a happy week! God bless…

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