As is usual, Wednesday is my mid-weak day – not much exciting. I cleaned and did laundry but actually got side-tracked a few times! First I went through the sweaters and got rid of at least half, and packed away half of what was left. It felt good to cut back, and I certainly don’t wear them enough (or at all) to keep them. I will let Kelly go through them first, because she often knows of people who would enjoy what I’m sharing.
Also went through some bags and purses and wallets, etc. Got rid of more than half of those. They, too, will be sorted through by Kelly on her next trip up. I had things that I set aside for the girls, as well. Some things for Goodwill. My front seat is full of things to share! Again, happy to reduce inventory.

After I finished cleaning, I went through the final remnants of what was left out of Grandad Crooks’ trunk. They are just old photos and books that were duplicates or in very poor shape, so most of it is getting trashed. Anything worth saving I am taking over to the historical society to see if Joanna wants it for any of their archives or displays.

I sorted out a few photos that I wanted to keep, and one was a picture of Kathy and I on a billboard platform. We thought that was the coolest thing! We were visiting Uncle Hank and Aunt Helen, and we used it as a playhouse. I somehow think we weren’t supposed to be up there!

The highlight of my day was talking to Lindsey Smail – Schneider. I had some questions about the recent deaths at Smail Auto. We talked for almost half an hour. It was nice to catch up and just talk for a bit. I know she was busy so I’m happy that she took the time to chat for a while. Bill’s Memorial Celebration is in May, and I wanted to RSVP and get some information.

April 27 – What did you do with it? Did you get caught? (yesterday’s entry about the yellow towel). “I couldn’t do anything with it as I had no idea who had left it on the beach next to us.” Understood!

Yesterday’s vacation destination was Sioux City, South Dakota, as today is National South Dakota Day! Picture posted was the USS South Dakota Battleship Memorial. Other things to see in Sioux City:

Calendar Inspiration – When the time is right, things will happen with remarkable speed. Be ready!

Quote –

Scripture –

Vacation destination –

TOMORROW April 28th is:
- National Blueberry Pie Day
- National BraveHearts Day
- National Great Poetry Reading Day
- National Superhero Day
- Workers’ Memorial Day
- National Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day
- National Teach Children to Save Day –
I have a sneaking feeling that neither Kelly nor Nathan want to go to work with me tomorrow. They are out being their own superheroes! Have a piece of Blueberry Pie, be Brave, and teach your children how to save. These days, they need to start young! God bless…
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