A walk in the Mall

Today I used the last few hours of holiday credit and left work at noon.  I had a few errands to run, but also needed to get my 2 mile walk in.  With the rain, outside wasn’t a comfortable option.  And I didn’t relish the idea of 30 plus minutes on the treadmill, either.

On a snap decision, I changed shoes and stopped at Westmoreland Mall.  It only takes about 3 loops to get in two miles.  The danger there is of course that you see a plethora of delightful sights, some of which are beyond tempting!  Thus was the case when I saw a rack of turtle neck sweaters in front of JCPennys for a ridiculously low price. I altered my path and walked back out to the car for my money, then after I hit the two miles, well, let’s just say I’m set for next fall and winter! 

The walk itself, though, was also fun.  Everything was so festive; store windows sporting clothes and goods in bright spring colors.  I stopped for a few seconds to watch the little ones ride the train in center court. Easter.2 3-17 The Easter Bunny was on duty for photo ops.  Easter.1 3-17It was a little nostalgic, as I don’t have any little ones to put on the train or visit the EB.  It was still fun!

On a loop past the food court, I was tempted by the giant cookies with enough icing to spread a bed! Look at the colors on that giant, pizza-size chocolate chip cookie!  Yum!Easter 3-17 Thankfully I resisted that and escaped with just my single little JCPenny’s purchase. 

The flowers in my yard have been popping up right and left, and last night there was a robin sitting on the nest under the bistro table on my deck.  Just now there were two robins having a major pecking match in my flower bed.  Yes, it’s spring for sure!

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