A Mother’s Day walk
Our family plans for Mother’s Day this year were very low key – which was happily fine with me! After church, Chrissy and I stopped at Aldi’s to pick up a few items. The store is closing for a massive remodel until the end of June and I had to grab my ‘stash’ before they closed. As we both had plenty of breakfast (Panera Bread bagels and snacks!), we weren’t even thinking about lunch. She was getting ready to start football camp and was hoping to be in shape, so I talked her into taking a walk with me. What I DIDN’T tell her was that we were going down to the Five Star Trail. We parked at Buncher Park near Youngwood and headed toward Midway. As we walked, I told her stories of my growing up on Shady Lane, and we veered off the trail to walk up the hill past my childhood home, and through my old neighborhood. I told her about our Mysterious Trestle Club, Cole’s pond, playing ‘jail’ with the neighbor boys, and having horses in the back yard.
We stopped for a quick photo shoot, and she contented herself by doing a selfie on my phone in the car.
It was her gift to me, even thought she didn’t realize it — going back again to those carefree days of youth and taking my precious Chrissy along for the trip! We finished the evening with Jioio’s Pizza and Sun Chips. It’s the little things….
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