Wednesday November 19th, 2014

My sister and I take a lot of trips together. We’ve been to Williamsburg, to visit our cabin and Skunk Hollow family in Home PA, to Erie to see Mom, and even local trips, like today.
No doubt it’s fun to walk on the shores at the lake, looking for unique stones and shells and driftwood in the warm sunshine. But today, it was a different type of walking.
Today we went Christmas Shopping.
We left the house at 8am, starting at Target. We probably put several miles on the shopping cart. From there we went to Ollies, Dollar Tree, Barnes and Noble, Chick-Fil-A for lunch (yum!), K-Mart, and Walmart. Oh. And Big Lots. I dropped her back at her house about 4pm. My trunk and back seat were both tumbled full of packages and presents!
Having grandchildren to buy for adds spice to the adventure, and we roamed the toys, books, clothes, Spiderman and Frozen aisles, candy, and games. My favorite purchase, though, was not for the kids but for me. I found a Snoopy Santa hat, complete with floppy ears! I can’t wait to wear it! I think if I go shopping on Saturday or Sunday I will do just that. There’s nothing like a cheerful Snoopy to add joy to a project!
If I manage to get out again on the weekend, I’ll take a ‘selfie’ and post it. Stay tuned! 🙂
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