Monday, November 3rd, 2014

Just taking a few minutes to remind everyone that I will be at the West Overton Museum and Village in Scottdale, PA, on Sunday November 9th at 2PM.  I will be talking about LETTERS TO MARY – the inception of the book, the research, the writing process, and everything that followed.  There is so much factual history in the book – so many wonderful truths and nuggets of authentic events – that it is very fun to explore all the details and talk about the process.  I will have Mary’s dress and locket, Lydia’s dress, photos from my research, even copies of some of the actual letters. 



WHAT:   Parlor Talk – by Marge Burke

WHERE: West Overton Museum             

                            Scottdale PA

WHEN: 2:00pm Sunday November 9th


No admission charge


Hear the story behind the story!Letters to Mary cover

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