Letters To Mary

Letters to Mary 2-18Letters to Mary.

Writing ‘Letters to Mary’ was a labor of love.  Getting to know Mary, Daniel, Charlie and Alice was a delight, and I felt as if they were part of my own family by the time I had read over one hundred letters written to and by Mary and Daniel.  Exploring their lives, researching their history, was a wonderful adventure.

My mom and step-father still live in the home built by Mary’s son Charlie for his family; it was the house in which Mary lived in during her latter years; I met their granddaughter Irene.  So many pieces of history, so much emotion – joy and drama – revealed in those letters!

If you’d like to read about how this seed was planted, and how the roots took hold, click here.


One of the letters written to Mary.  They are definitely not easy to read!  Imagine reading over one-hundred and    fifty of these.

21 comments on “Letters To Mary
  1. Kathy Eisaman says:

    How beautiful the webpage looks! I love that you copied a letter. You mentioned meeting Irene. The one that willed the house to John? Did I meet Irene? I have heard so much about her and saw so many pictures, esp during Mom’s early years in Albion, that I don’t remember if I met her or not. I thought she had already died when mom and John got together. Or perhaps this is a different Irene…Any way….lots of love to you as you launch into these unknown, yet exciting waters. 🙂

    • Marge Burke says:

      Yes, I did meet Irene when the kids and I went with Mom on vacation and we stopped to visit there. One more little link in the chain of connection! Love you back!

  2. Susan Crooks says:

    Dear city cousin – WOW! Your webpage is wonderful. I am feeling very emotional for you right now. You know I have always been a fan – no matter what you were writing. And now I am so excited for you. I know it has been a journey, and I pray you will always enjoy your adventure. Please never stop creating! Much love from your country cousin!

  3. Tonia Eisaman says:

    I love, love, loved the first chapter!! Great job on the website! I am so happy for you on this accomplishment. Congratulations again:) I can’t wait to finish reading the rest of the book.

  4. Gail Clawson Francowic says:

    Love the photos. What a great piece of writing. Congratulations on the book.

  5. DIANE MEYERS says:

    Just finished “Letters to Mary” WOW, the charaters just became very alive and were right there in the room with me as I read the book. Great job. Next book??????? To think you were right in front of me in homeroom all that time and who would have thought a BEST SELLER AUTHOR!
    Should be required reading for Civil War History class. I think that was 8th grade 🙂

  6. Sharon Full says:

    Loved the sample of your book. I just wrote you an email commenting on your excellent and engaging writing. Hope to see you tomorrow!

  7. Par Brigode says:

    You have a God given talent for writing. I can’t say I have a favorite part. I love everything about the book. You feel like you are standing in Mary’s shoes as you read it. So intense! Everything about the book is like living history. Please continue to write more books as I hope to read them all. I met you through Darlene at the buffet one Saturday.

  8. Ralph Kercheval says:

    Loved “Letters to Mary”. I can relate to the characters since I came from a military family. I want to play Mr Rice in the movie screenplay!! Great Job Marge!!

  9. Marjorie says:

    Marge, I loved Letters to Mary. The letters were a wonderful place to start but what you did to bring the characters to life was great. I specially loved the ending. There were hints about it throughout the story but I really was impressed with the closure. Thanks for this great story!

  10. jackie says:

    When you were Dr Laughlin office you said there was something happening at the connellsville high school on May 29th. What time is it and I forgot what it was.

    • Marge Burke says:

      Jackie – so sorry I didn’t get this sooner! Have been having a little trouble navigating this site – There were a few things happening in the evening but most of the people were there in the day. I’ll post on here if anything else comes up that you may be interested in! 🙂

  11. Sharon Full says:

    Hi Marge,

    I came, I saw, I conquered my inattention to your lovely website. Will be stopping by more often, lol!

    Much love,
    Sharon Full

  12. Shirley Graves says:

    Jim and I would visit Aunt Irene about 45 years ago. Jim’s dad was caring for her at that time. I don’t believe she was related to us but Aunt Irene was her name. She was very a serious person.
    I absolutly loved LETTERS TO MARY. It felt like a windows into Aunt Irene’s fore fathers and brought life to her home’s history.

    • Marge Burke says:

      SJ- As far as I was told, Irene was John’s cousin. I believe she was Charlie and Annie’s daughter. Yes, John did take care of her. It was originally her house (that Charlie built) and she left it to him. I had a great time researching the history and the area and the letters. So glad you loved the book! Have a wonderful new year. M

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