It was a longer work day than I’m used to – but I liked being busy and helpful. Rege and I had a conversation about – believe it or not – snakes! He doesn’t mind them if he knows they aren’t poisonous. He’ll pick them up, no problem. Freaks me out just thinking about it!
Rege’s buddy…. (?)
After work (and a stop to help out Mike P) I got gas for the Jeep and stopped to run two errands. I was out of dishwasher detergent and heaven forbid I actually hand-wash dishes. Actually I do that a lot! I got home about 2:30pm and re-heated some French fries (I know, I know – sad!) from supper last night. Then I set about cleaning the rest of the house. All the chores are done now except ironing. That may wait until tomorrow.
Second time around
One of the things I wanted to get was a red tea towel for Valentine’s day. Couldn’t believe I didn’t have one. I did find a really nice set (two of them together) at Ross. I’m not a fan of romantic decorations, so these were perfect!
I Corinthians 13
I was planning on watching Cameron tomorrow for Autmn to help her mom, but those plans changed. So I offered them to come up here tomorrow or Saturday. We’ll see what their plans are – it will probably be last minute. I also have to pay bills. Almost forgot!
Trivia: Before that first sip of coffee in the morning, drink a glass of water so you start the day hydrated. (Good advise.)
As of today I am not posting birthdays unless they are people I know!
PEANUTS Thought for the Day: Actually, I changed my wooden Snoopy calendar. All ready for February!
TOMORROW February 2nd is:
National Tater Tot Day; Bubble Gum Day; National Wear Red Day; National Heavenly Hash Day; National Groundhog Day.
I’ve never been to Gobbler’s Knob, even though it’s only a few miles from my Aunt’s house and right in the area of our family ‘stomping’ grounds. It will be a very big deal out there tomorrow. Here’s a picture of my cousin Allen and his wife Bonnie hanging out in Punxy today! God bless…
I can’t believe today is the last day of January. One whole month of 2024 is already gone. Did I make the best use of those days? Did I do something good for someone to make their life happier or better? I will strive to do more in February.
Kelly and I were pretty low key this morning, reading and doing computer work and feeding the boys. They were both still coughing and neither one was at their best. They left a little after 1pm and it took me half an hour to acclimate myself to their absence. Then I dug in and cleaned the flag bedroom, both bathrooms and the entire downstairs. I needed to deep clean to chase the germs away and hopefully can avoid illness. I will finish cleaning upstairs tomorrow after work.
Lots of scrubbing
I emptied the dishwasher and took the trash up to the road for morning, then got cleaned up and went to Bible Study. It was very intense and in addition to feeling sad about the boys being sick, and not seeing Cameron all week, and missing Kelly, that was just hard. And the acoustics in the welcome center are sort of echo-y. So I guess I’m just being a Debbie Downer! TOMORROW IS ANOTHER DAY, as Scarlett O’Hara would say! But… Shelagh made sheet cake for snack so all was not lost. I only ate half. Too much sugar, but very good!
Here are two pictures of Cam that Autmn sent me. He spent the day with his dad. I have missed seeing him this week. Maybe Friday!
TRIVIA – the correct spelling is: accommodate. Today’s trivia is a quote from Lucille Ball: The secret of staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age.
Birthdays, etc, for January 31st: 1734 – Robert Morris – Founding Father (signer of the Declaration of Independence) – not to be confused with Christopher Morris, my friend Gen’s older son, who celebrates his birthday today. Happy birthday, Chris! 1981-Justin Timberlake – singer/songwriter; In 1865 General Robert E Lee was named commander in chief of the confederate army;
Chris Morris – several years ago.
PEANUTS Thought for the Day:
TOMORROW February 1st is:
National Dark Chocolate Day; Optimist Day; National Texas Day; National Get Up Day; National Baked Alaska Day.
Dark Chocolate is my favorite. And I hate to say it but I am NOT an optimist. My aunt used to make Baked Alaska. Haven’t had it in decades! Happy February — God bless…
This morning when we got up there was a robin on the fence. I don’t think it got the memo that it’s still January! Kelly and I each got our showers, had breakfast, and went on with the day. Hope that little bird-guy can keep warm enough and find food!
Kelly was working on crocheting a red/white/blue tossel cap and making a tee-shirt order for a sports team project. She stopped long enough to help me put up the Valentine decorations. I don’t have much but it still takes some time to get things organized.
Working on the tossel capBookcase lights and Valentine blanketsPink heart lightsKitchen – table and benchKitchen doorMy last Valentine from Grama CrooksBathroomTwo typewriters – check out the mirror stickee!Valentine M&M’s in the Snoopy jar.
Chase is asleep on the couch – he’s not feeling well. So I can half-way predict what’s in my future! But we’re all taking extra precautions and hopefully no one else will get sick.
Yes, Chase is really in there!
I haven’t heard from any of the other Burkes. So I’m guessing all is well or I would have got an S.O.S! Not sure what this group is doing with the rest of our day. Kelly already has a full plate, Logan is playing video games, Chase is napping, and I’m working on this post. We always enjoy whatever we do so it will be a good day regardless.
Gamer Logan
TRIVIA – answer to yesterday’s joke is : He had a hard drive. (haha) Today’s trivia is: Which is the correct spelling? accommodate; acommodate; accomodate. Answer tomorrow.
Birthdays for today, January 30th: 1882 – Franklin D. Roosevelt, U S President; 1961 – ‘I Fall to Pieces’ by Patsy Cline released. Today would have been my friend Bill Smail’s 74th birthday. Still miss him….
Patsy ClineLong time friend, Bill Smail
PEANUTS Thought for the Day:
TOMORROW January 31st is:
National Hot Chocolate Day; Inspire Your Heart With Art Day; National Backward Day.
The kids love hot chocolate. When Chase wakes up maybe we can make some. Have a happy day – God bless…
THANK YOU to all who were praying for Nate today. He called me at 10:15am and he was already home and settled in. The procedure was easy and quick and they got everything in the first round. He was feeling good and very relieved. He’s restricted in activities until at least Wednesday but he is happy to be home and done. THANK YOU! God is good, all the time.
My baby son!
There were no deals (except pending finance) in Jeannette, and I did everything in Greensburg. I had just enough time to leave to get Chrissy at the school at 11am. She needed to stop at an ATM to get money for a school field trip, so we headed to 7-11. There was an accident on Route 136 – a Honda ran into a tree in someone’s yard. Can’t quite figure out what happened. But 7-11 did not have power and they were closed, so we went through Youngwood on the way home and stopped at Sheetz. All good!
Autmn had to postpone her visit, so I had most of the afternoon free until Kelly got here. I called her and got the shopping list, then went over to Aldi. They got here about 4:30pm and we immediately started the Chicken soup. Logan had an egg salad sandwich and Chase ate grilled cheese. Kelly and I are waiting for the soup.
Just add noodles!
Gen and I spent an hour on the phone this evening. It’s always a great blessing to spend time with Gen – on the phone or in person or even in my vast supply of memories! Love you, Gen!
My bright and beautiful friend.
Tomorrow we are putting up what little Valentine decorations that I have. She brought me Snoopy Hershey Kisses last weekend so they are already out. I think we will keep tomorrow low key – unless Autmn/Cameron and/or Chrissy decided to come up.
Peanuts kisses
Trivia: Bad joke – Why was the robot so tired after his road trip? Answer tomorrow…
Birthdays, etc, for January 29th: 1737 – Thomas Payne (author, Common Sense); 1756 – “Light Horse Harry” Henry Lee III- calveryman, statesman and congressman, Colony of Virginia; 1843 – William McKinley, US President; 1874 – John D Rockefeller Jr – philanthropist (Funded and backed reconstruction of Colonial Williamsburg); 1918 – John Forsythe, American actor; 1945 – Tom Selleck, American actor; 1954 – Oprah Winfrey – Talk show hostess.
John D Rockefeller Jr
PEANUTS Thought for the Day:
TOMORROW January 30th is:
National Plan for Vacation Day; National Croissant Day.
Tomorrow, for me, is visit with Kelly and the boys day! And decorate for Valentine’s Day. And eat homemade soup day. And just… whatever. We’ve already planned out our vacation. God bless…
** WARNING! The last post on this page contains graphic image. Proceed cautiously… ***
It was good to have Mary back in class today! Our lesson was about Moses and the burning bush and the kids all learned something. Mary spent some time telling us about her cruise to the Bahamas on the Vision of the Sea. We were all in awe of the whole thing!
On the left: the new 8,000 passenger Icon of the Sea. Right: Vision of the Sea, Mary’s ship!
Todd’s message was BE A SERVENT – the way to be greatest is to be a servant (John 13:1). Jesus says about his disciples, “He loved them to the end.” Not only the end of His earthly life, but beyond. To be a servant, first you have to get up! You can’t be a servant from your armchair! And concerning the apparent ‘unlovable’, instead of criticizing, serve.
Now, back to yesterday. Kelly and I picked up Kathy at 7;30 and headed north. Everything was ready for us and we dove right in. Jason, Nate, and Dave did the cutting and trimming; Sarah, JP, and Lynn helped with the trimming, and Kelly, Kathy and I wrapped. When we had a small lull in the wrapping, Lynn and I went over to Donna’s store and got cheese orders for almost everyone. Then we stopped at the Bulk Food store. I got white chocolate and milk chocolate, and Lynn got several items, including popcorn, which they love as a snack.
Aunt Joan was one of the original Skunk Hollow girls!Aunt Joan’s extensive Punxsutawney Phil collectionJason – the cutting teamNate man-handling part of the second halfKathy and Kelly – expert wrappers Ground beef, soup bones, and more.Left: Dave and JP Right: Nate, Sarah, Lynn
Aunt Joan was the official supervisor, and Uncle Clifford threw in a word of advice every now and then, as well as being official knife-sharpener. Mazie was our guard dog. At lunch time we took a minute to sing Happy Birthday to Kelly. We didn’t have a match, so she had to make-believe blow out her candle! Kelly brought two dozen of her gourmet cupcakes (strawberry and Reese’s) and they were a huge hit (in addition to my vanilla cake with cream cheese icing).
Aunt Joan – do you think she was cold?Uncle Clifford, official knife sharpenerMazie was great at her job.Kelly and her cakeKelly’s cupcakesHappy Birthday cake
We worked hard and long, had great conversations, and there was a lot of laughing. Lynn rode home with us, and we were laughing so hard I almost choked on a swallow of Pepsi and very nearly ran the Jeep into a Dunkin’ Donut! When you put Lynn and Kathy into the same space, it’s like two teenagers! They are a fearsome duo and we had a great time! – Home safe at 8pm – but Lynn had a 20 minute drive from there and Kelly had an hour. We are so blessed to have these wonderful people in our life, and the offer of an experience that most people cannot even imagine!
The beef Dream Team – last year Kathy was in the hospital, Nate was having surgery, and Dave was just plain missing in action. Three key players and we were SO GLAD to have them back!There were SIX of these tubs of ground beef to wrap in one-pound bags!Doesn’t this roast look like a paw print?
Birthdays, etc, for January 28th: 1863 – Ernst William Christmas, Australian painter. I never heard of him, did you? Could he be Father Christmas??; 1936 – Alan Alda, American Actor (M*A*S*H); in 1813 Pride and Prejudice is published. 1986 – Space Shuttle Challenger explodes 73 seconds after lift-off;
Wow – he looks so young here!Jane Austen
PEANUTS Thought of the Day:
TOMORROW January 29th is:
National Bubble Wrap Day; National Corn Chip Day; National Puzzle Day.
I’ll take the corn chips! And maybe a piece of left-over cake :). Kelly and the 2 younger boys are coming up tomorrow. I am picking up Christina from school at 11am, and then bringing Autmn and Cameron up. Nate is having skin cancer surgery on his head behind his ear. Please keep that in your prayers – it’s a pretty intense surgery! Thank you, and God bless…
Nathan’s last year’s skin cancer surgery – we are hoping it is less intense this year.
It was 60* today! I like the warmer temps but not sure if it’s healthy….
Beautiful day!
Anyway, Kelly is here because she is going to Beef Day to help tomorrow. So I’ll wait and post on Sunday. I will NOT be posting tomorrow as it will be late when we get home and organized. So catch everyone on Sunday, and post photos and a recap of our day!
Last year beef day
Answer to yesterday’s quiz: 1-d; 2-a; 3-e; 4-c; 5-b. Today’s trivia: Polar bears have transparent fur – it just looks white because of the way it reflects light.
Birthdays for January 26: 1880 – Douglas MacArthur, American general; 1925 – Paul Newman, American actor; 1958 – Ellen DeGeneres, American actress; January 27: 1756 – Mozart, composer; 1832 – Lewis Carroll, English author;
Lewis Carroll
PEANUTS Thought for the Day:
TOMORROW January 27th is:
Vietnam Peace Day; National Seed Swap Day; Holocaust Remembrance Day; National Chocolate Cake Day; National Fruitcake Toss Day;
January 28th is: National Gift of the Ladybug Day; Data Privacy Day; National Blueberry Pancake Day; National Kazoo Day.
Personally I’m intrigued by the Kazoo. BUT – tomorrow is my daughter’s birthday! So Happy Birthday Kelly – I’m so glad you chose to spend the day with us! Love you! God bless…
First of all, as Bud would say, it’s 11 months until Christmas Day! He would call me from Canada or Florida or Vegas to remind me. So take that under consideration…
I stopped on the way to work and bought a box of mini-chocolate iced donuts for Sir Regis. He said that was his favorite! I like Aldi brand best and he’d never had them. So I took some for myself and gave him the rest. He tried to hide them in the fridge but I explained to him that he could run but he couldn’t hide! He would NOT be able to ignore them. I have a feeling I’m right about that.
Baby donuts
I was busy in Jeannette and it was almost like a full moon – there were so many little quirks and issues! I was there several hours before heading to Greensburg. Joe and I worked on a few processes and I did what was on my desk. Monday he has another chore (filing) he wants to teach me. I don’t mind learning and helping. They are very good to me, and for me!
When I got home it was almost 1:30pm and I was ready for lunch. I made an egg sandwich with bacon and it was yummy. The residual aroma of the bacon lingers — so I lit a cinnamon candle to help dispel that. It smells yummy BEFORE you eat, but a few hours afterwards it’s time to freshen the room!
Right now in the background is a Hallmark movie, Love Strikes Twice. It’s a fun movie and I really like the two main characters
This weather is a little crazy. Last weekend we had 8 inches plus of snow and sub-freezing temps. Today it is 53* and warm enough for a light jacket! Hoping it stays decent weather for Beef Day on Saturday; makes traveling easier and safer.
Answer tomorrow
Birthdays, etc, for January 25th: 1938 – Etta James – singer; 1881 – Thomas Edison and Alexander Graham Bell form the Oriental Telephone Company. 1970 – M*A*S*H premieres.
Etta James
PEANUTS Thought for the Day:
Dark Chocolate Chip…
TOMORROW January 26th is:
National Fun at Work Day; National Big Wig Day; National Green Juice Day; National Peanut Brittle Day; National Spouse Day
If you work tomorrow, have fun! It’s good for your mental and physical health. God bless…
I was just finishing up in the shower this morning when Rege called me. There was a stack of business renewal forms that needed notarized and if I was out and about today could I stop and do that? They don’t ask very much from me, especially with all the benefits I receive from them, so I cleaned the upstairs and then headed down to Jeannette.
No, not this many. Just a few dozen!
Ken, Barry, and Rege were all there, so I was able to handle all the documents. Afterwards we sat around and talked about the ‘old’ days of the car business. I’d been in the business longer than any of them, and we compared notes and memories. On top of all the conversations from last night, it’s been a 24-hour walk down memory lane. Lots of laughs, lots of recalling good times (and bad!) and living through the stress and distress. I left there laughing so that was a good thing!
I came home, had some yogurt and a cookie for lunch, and finished up cleaning and a load of laundry. Tonight HCC planned a kick-off for the winter Life Groups (Bible studies) which included a soup cook-off. It was such a foggy, rainy night that the turnout was less than anticipated, but the soups and desserts were very good. My favorite (and 2nd place winner) was cream of cauliflower. I even asked Dianne (Gresham) to send me the recipe. I did manage to get a picture of the foggy roads on the way home.
Todd reading encouraging scriptures.My friend AmyStarting to clear outJust part of the desserts – the apple pies were delicious.Foggy Fosterville Road
Today’s trivia: Celebrate National Compliment Day by giving someone a genuine compliment. Not only will it boost their mood but it will make you feel happier, too!
Birthdays, etc, for January 24th: 1862 – Edith Wharton, novelist; 1917 Ernest Borgnine, actor; 1939 – Ray Stevens, singer (He’s a funny guy and a great entertainer!); 1941 Neil Diamond, singer.
Edith Wharton
PEANUTS Thought for the day:
TOMORROW January 25th is:
National Irish Coffee Day; National Opposite Day.
SO if I say, have a great day tomorrow, does that mean I DON’T want you to? Hmmm. This could get confusing. God bless (REALLY!!!)
The first thing I noticed when I woke up was the sunrise out the back window. And no, it did not feel like morning ‘warning’! As I knew he would, my friend Tom posted the sunrise from his home, as well. He’s so faithful to his morning walks – as I am NOT these days!
Out my windowxTom’s pictures always outshine mine! Thanks for sharing, Tom.
Jeannette didn’t have much, but Rege and I had our weekly ‘meeting’ and solved the world’s problems! Well, not really. Who would listen to us? Went to Greensburg and there were a few projects to handle. Stopped at the bank to withdraw a little vacation money – so I could pay my share of the motels we booked.
First night motel
I came home and did some in-house chores and binge-watched (actually listened to in the background) Home Town while I worked. I was really happy that the temperatures were so much warmer – right now it’s 43*! I’ll take it!
I left here at 5pm and met April, Liz and Joelyn at Applebees for dinner. Joelyn had to work a little later so we sat and chatted until she got there. I took a photo of April & Liz in the meantime, but then totally forgot about taking more pictures! We sat there until 8:30! It was so nice to visit and catch up. We are all at different places in our respective family dynamics and could share what was going on with each other. I liked hearing what was new at Smail Auto, and found out about weddings and babies and houses. We vowed not to wait so long until the next get-together!
April and LizJoelyn from our last outing.
The answer to yesterday’s questions is: Canada. Today’s trivia is a cooking tip: Add a generous amount of salt to the water when when boiling pasta to bring out the flavor.
One of Canada’s lakes.
Birthdays, etc, for January 23rd are: 1737 – John Hancock, Statesman and signer of the Declaration of Independence; 1949 – Elizabeth Blackwell was the first woman to earn a medical degree. My mom would have loved to be a medical professional!
Elizabeth Blackwell
PEANUTS Thought for the Day:
TOMORROW January 24th is:
Library Shelfie Day; National Peanut Butter Day; Beer Can Appreciation Day; National Compliment Day.
Share a compliment with someone. There’s not much that makes a bigger impression. God bless…
I worked both stores, then stopped at Walmart and got the most inexpensive DVD player they had. Came home and actually hooked it up myself!
I picked up Autmn, Cameron and Autmn’s friend Alex about 2pm. A & A went upstairs and got a snack then fell asleep. Cameron and I played, and he took a nap and had a bottle, and played a little more. It’s 8pm and they just left. I think they were going out to eat, which I felt was too late. BUT I am only the Mimi!
Arrived sleeping.Alex and Autmn….…And CameronYes, All Smiles!PlayingHe’s learned to take his binky out, wave it around, and put it back in his mouth!Loves to chew on this!
Now it’s later in the day and I have a few things I still have to do – so this is short.
Trivia: What country has the most natural lakes? Answer tomorrow.
Birthdays, etc, for January 23rd: 1931 – Sam Cooke, American singer; 1934 – Bill Bixby, actor and director; 1973 – Roe vs Wade.
Bill Bixby
PEANUTS Thought for the Day:
TOMORROW January 23rd is:
National Handwriting Day; National Pie Day.
TOMORROW is — another day! As per Scarlett O’Hara. God bless…
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