Yesterday’s post was long. Today’s will be much shorter. Mostly because I didn’t do very much today! Hoping that this post goes well – yesterday my website crashed just when I was ready to post it, and it took me…
Yesterday’s post was long. Today’s will be much shorter. Mostly because I didn’t do very much today! Hoping that this post goes well – yesterday my website crashed just when I was ready to post it, and it took me…
TODAY was the original due date for baby Cameron’s arrival! We’re so glad that he’s here and surrounded by love. Before I left the house this morning I treated my drains with the anti-root chemicals. It’s supposed to be done…
I started the day with only one thing on my schedule. I promised to meet a friend at Pinnacle to help with a registration renewal. I left there and stopped at Walmart for a few groceries – since it was…
Both stores were pretty slow this morning. I stopped and got gas for the car, then went to Aldi for 3 things. It was such a beautiful day – I did some work in the garage, re-arranging the fall totes…
I started this morning by watching the temps – as soon as it hit 60* I went out and spread the fall Weed and Seed. I did the whole bag and gave the back yard a good treatment. It was…
Cameron James Thompson – 8 pounds 4 ounces. Born this morning about 5:30am or so. I didn’t get the specific details, but I got to hold him and kiss his little head and snuggle and get a whiff of that…
There were several deals and titles in Jeannette, but less in Greensburg. After I finished I went to Palmer’s and got a head of cauliflower and some tomatoes. I had toast and tomato for lunch and a grilled cheese for…
It’s Sunday afternoon and I’m going to post the Word Garden early, because mostly it will be Friday and Saturday adventures, anyway, except for Sunday School. Mary was on vacation so we stayed low-key. It worked out so well! We…
There has been a lot of things going on in the last few days. But in this post I am only going to share our bonfire at Beth’s. I will catch up on the other things in the next few…
TODAY was the Skunk Hollow bonfire at Beth’s. Since it’s actually tomorrow (????) I will post this later. We had a wonderful time around the fire, full moon bright overhead, and some of the dearest people on earth around that…
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