June 28, 2020

As promised, here is a recap of our wonderful Skunk Hollow Women’s Fest at Kathy’s yesterday. It was such a lovely day. We gathered about noon and set out our individual contributions of food, and everyone fussed over Mom! We were celebrating her 90th birthday (actually July 20th but this was perfect!) and she always likes the attention. Kathy ordered Jioio’s pizza (my favorite!) and I picked it up. There was so much food! My favorites (other than the pizza) were Gail’s strawberry jello pretzel salad and Holly’s fudge brownies. I should have liked the salads and the read foods (which I did!) but I’m a junk food junkie at heart.

Someone brought mom a huge cat balloon that said Happy Birthday, and it floated around by the TV all afternoon. After we finished eating (we never finished talking!!!) we opened presents, sang, and had cake and ice cream. Mom got a floppy sunhat with bright pink flamingos from Beth, and I believe Holly brought her a tea mug that said ‘Faith’. She drank her tea out of it for Sunday breakfast. She also got a few other little things but mostly she liked the attention – and the cake. She wanted the piece with her name on it so we cut it out of the middle of the cake for her. It’s the little things.

I don’t believe we solved the world’s problems, but we possibly talked our way through some of our own. I think the saying is that problems shared cuts them in half, and joys shared doubles them. We did a lot of halfing and doubling! The day just flew by and it was after 7:30pm before everyone headed home.

I would be remiss if I didn’t say a huge thank you for the cards and gifts and birthday wishes that I also received. They mean the world to me, as do these dear ladies, and as we all left we were already planning our next event at Beth’s in the fall!

We need each other – we love each other – and we need that love! The sweet fellowship of our kindred spirits (as Anne Shirley would say) is a rare and precious blessing. God has INDEED blessed us….

Mom ready for her party
Mom drinking morning tea from her FAITH mug

Back row: Karen O, Gail, Beth, Karen V, Colleen
Front row: Me, Kath, Mom, and Gwen
Same back row-
Front – Holly, Mom, Gwen

Mom’s flamingo hat
Mom in her hat
Kathy and Mom (eating cake)`
Karen O
Karen V
Background: Beth, Kathy
Front: Holly, Gail
So much food!
Birthday Cake!
(Thanks, Beth!)
Fun cat birthday balloon

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