February 7, 2025

It was sunny and bright all day – but still cold and a bit windy. I was glad to get my errands done in sunshine rather than clouds and rain. I guess there’s two more winter storms heading our way!

Ice Storm Damage Car drives under dangerous trees weighed down by ice and powerlines after an icestorm. The weight of ice can easily snap power lines and break or bring down power/utility poles split trees in half and turn roads and pavements into lethal sheets of smooth, thick ice winter storms stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images
Stock image –I hope not!!!

Since I didn’t do my ironing while Kelly was here, now I have a huge stack. Bummer.

About 10:30am I zipped over to Walmart and got my groceries. Kelly and I did so much cooking and baking that I used up everything. I like to replace items as soon and I pull the last one out of the pantry. A stop at the bank, Dollar General, Dollar Tree, TJ Max, and Target finished everything up. I came home, put all the groceries away, and made a nice salad and garlic toast for lunch.

salad and garlic toast (homemade bread!)

Autmn sent me a video of Cameron saying ‘Mimi’! I was so excited. Can’t wait to see him!

I couldn’t get the video to post! 🙁 But he’s cute anyway!

The step stool I got at TJ Maxx was too tall for my comfort. I got one for Kelly too and she thinks it will be just perfect!

Scripture of the Day – courtesy of Diane:


2024-08-01 South Korea Jeju Island Snoopy garden

TOMORROW February 8th is:

Global Movie Day; Laugh and Get Rich Day (REALLY???!!!???); Molasses Bar Day; National Boy Scout Day; Opera Day; Propose Day; National Kite Flying Day.

Tomorrow is also a book signing at B&N for my friend Lee, so I think I’ll go. Haven’t done that in a very long time. I’ll probably watch a movie, too, but I’ll leave the kite flying to Charlie Brown. God bless…

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