August 18, 2024

Out of the lowkey non-exciting weekend came a busy day! This post will be about a morning of decisions, and afternoon of parties, and a preview of tomorrow’s post. But first I had a cup of the tea Gen brought down to me – with local honey.

Then I took a picture of the spread of morning glories across the fence. Also noticed that Daniel is letting Enzo help him cut the grass. I think he’ll need to be a little bit older than four to do it himself!

Morning glories
Daniel and Enzo mowing.

It started out that I could NOT decide about going to the outdoor picnic/outdoor church service. Normally I would jump right on that, but I had a tough night trying to sleep, and it was cloudy, cool, and drizzling off and on. I didn’t want to be outside in that for several hours. So I opted to stay home. Wouldn’t you know, it was a beautiful, warm, sunny day with a nice breeze. To sooth my disappointed self I made a small batch of chocolate chip cookies. They turned out OK, but turns out I lost my natural touch for cooking and baking lately. Bummer.

My try at cookies…

After I cleaned up from the cookies, I wrote out a few cards of encouragements for my sick friends, then a birthday one for Millie’s party. I decided to go to the Ninth Life Volunteer Appreciation Picnic at Park & Pool (Ninth Life is Jen’s rescue). I got to catch up with a few people I knew and the food was good. Dessert was yummy and a very wide variety. Jen’s friend Esther makes the chocolate chip cookies and they are one of the best I’ve ever eaten. Made mine seem sad and forlorn.

Happy birthday, Carol!
Jen cutting the cake for Carol
Jen’s mom Sherree
Nate checking the schedule
Lisa Smith and her daughter Cherith. They help at the Pet Smart location and I didn’t know it! They are my friend Joe Potts’ daughter and granddaughter. Joe is one of the Ligonier Valley Writers
Ninth Life picnic people
Of course it’s purple – Jen’s a purple kind of girl!
Christine and Jen sharing Ninth Life info with the group.
Me with Nate
Picking a shirt
I’m actually not sure what she’s holding.
Jen’s gift from the volunteers

After the Ninth Life picnic I went to the next pavilion to wish Millie happy birthday. They had her 7th birthday party at Park n Pool – kids everywhere but the parents were very good keeping track of all of them around the pool. Kathy and I did get to chat a bit and catch up. She said Tonia is doing much better but her left eye is still very swollen.

Wyatt and Sarah at the little slide.
Clouds and mountains at the pool.
Millie (she’s seven now!) heading to the dive.

Autmn sent me pictures of Cameron, and Sherree sent me pictures of moving Christina into Point Park yesterday. I will cover those tomorrow!

Chrissy’s dorm room – preview!

My blessing to day was getting out in the fresh air and visiting with so many nice people!

PEANUTS Thought for the Day:

May be an image of text

TOMORROW August 19th is:

National Aviation Day; August Moon Festival; National Don’t Mow Day; Discovery Day; International Bow Day; International Orangutan Day; National Photography Day; National Potato Day; National Soft Ice Cream Day.

Yesterday’s fake day was National Ivy Day; Tomorrow – The moon is good, potatoes and ice cream are yummy – and take some pictures! God bless…

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