August 5, 2024

Today was corn day at the farm. Kath and I left a little after 8am. It was a pleasant drive out, and we needed to catch up on our conversation. We needed extra snack-size zip lock baggies, so we made a quick stop at Plumville Dollar General. These customers beat us there.

I think their momma was shopping for bones!

When we got to the farm, Uncle Clifford had the corn picked and mostly husked, some of it already boiled and ready to cut. He sent us upstairs first to say good morning to Aunt Joan who was just getting out of bed.

In full swing before we even got there!

We had all the corn boiled, cut off the cob, and tucked temporarily into the freezer before noon. We took a break and had a wonderful lunch, which everyone contributed to: Turkey and ham and cheese sandwiches, macaroni salad, kettle chips, fresh corn on the cob (from corn stalk to our plate in 20 minutes!) – with brownies and cinnamon swirl coffee cake for dessert.

Flowers from this garden were on the kitchen table!

Then it was back to work. We bagged the corn in snack sized baggies and separated them into the two coolers. Then we walked out to the garden, where Kathy and I each got a big bag of apples right from the tree, a tomato from the garden, little cucumbers, and a few ears of fresh corn in the husk to take home. Plus fresh made apple sauce.

Picking apples
Two huge apple trees – full of apples!
Looking up through the apple branches.
Half a scarecrow.
Whole scarecrow.
Onion seed pod.

But the best part is always family, and precious time spent with wonderful people. The time always goes too fast, and in between visits seem to drag.

Kathy with UC & AJ
Me with UC AJ.

We stopped at Donna’s store and grabbed cheese, then headed home. We stopped at the Blairsville Burger King – Kathy got iced coffee and I got a frozen Coke. Just the boost we needed!

Donna’s Store

I got home about 4:30, put everything away and cleaned up. Did a load of laundry, husked my few ears of corn, and am done with my day! And it was a good day!

Corn, tomato, mini-cucumber, applesauce.

My blessing today was spending time at the farm with sweet family.

PEANUTS Thought for the Day:

I sincerely hope not!

TOMORROW August 6th is:

Balloons To Heaven Day; Farmworkers Appreciation Day (a day late!); National Fresh Breath Day; National Hat Day; National Night Out; National Root Beer Float Day; National Wiggle Your Toes Day.

Yesterday’s fake day was pink flower day. Tomorrow for me is a doctor check up, work, and who knows what else. I still like the farmworkers day! God bless…

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