June 24, 2024

This whole PENNDOT cyber breech is crazy. There are all sorts of rumors going around, about what happened and what has to happen to get back up on running. I went to work this morning in Jeannette, but can’t log in and can’t process. I called the Greensburg store and there was no reason to go up there. Wow. Scary.

What’s happening with CDK Global? Update on cyberattacks that hit car dealerships

I was home by 10:30am, and that included stopping at Aldi and getting Chase additional pizza and Oreos. After a quick break I changed clothes, prayed for endurance, and CUT THE GRASS! It was actually a comfortable day, weather wise, and I took my time. Got it all done, then came in and made Poppin-fresh cinnamon rolls. I haven’t had those in years! When Chase got up he ate a bunch, too.

Looks so much better!

Then I cleaned up the stones going down the walk to the shed. There was a lot of crab grass, and that freaks me out. It actually looks like crabs that are going to reach out and grab my ankle! But it looks so much better, after only less than 3 hours outside.

The stones are all cleaned off.
All the crabgrass gone!

I snapped some flower pictures, then watered the plants before I came in to finish laundry. I’ll save the ironing for tomorrow. That was enough for today, and I need to get Chase food later, too! We have to figure out when we are going mini-golfing since Chrissy can’t go this week. She’s working two jobs.

Dark maroon day lily
Cone flowers
Blazing star
Day lily – two colors.

My blessing for today was feeling good enough to get outside work done. I was losing sleep over those tasks – literally! So, huge blessing!

PEANUTS Thought for the Day:

May be a doodle of text

TOMORROW June 25th is:

National Mailbox Day; Color TV Day; Global Beatles Day; National Camp Counts Day; National Catfish Day; National Strawberry Parfait Day; Please Take My Children to Work Day; National LEON Day – look it up (It’s a fun thing to celebrate!). God bless…

Yesterday’s fake day was National Glad Day. Tomorrow lets celebrate color TV and LEON Day! Fun! God bless…

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