June 8, 2024

Well I’ve finally crawled out from my couch cocoon into the light of day. It’s been a hard climb.

Couch cocoon

I knew on Tuesday that something was definitely off. I got up early – while it was still cool – and cut my grass – cleaned up, showered, and headed to work. I had a few stops to make on my way home, including gas for the Mazda and stamps.

Forever stamps

It took all afternoon to get the chairs and food ready for the evening as I was having the PEEPS (Previously Employed/Employed People from Smails) over for a fire pit night. I dug all the picnic stuff out, lugged wood from behind the shed, put up the deck umbrella – which all seemed to be draining on my energy level. It took all my efforts to get through the evening, serving and cleaning up the food. But we had a great evening.


About an hour before the girls were to arrive I heard the Thunder, and went outside to see the dark clouds moving across the sky. So I brought everything back in and prepared to move the evening inside. Before the girls actually arrived it cleaned up, and it was warm enough to dry everything out.

Rain, rain, go away!

We opted to eat inside, and sat around the table talking for a few hours, eating hot dogs and fries and chips. Since s’mores was the dessert, I went out and started a fire after all, and got it going well enough to toast the marshmallows. We sat outside on deck chairs the rest of the evening. Joelyn was excited about spending time with her daughter last week (who lives in AZ), Liz is going to be an aunt again – two of her siblings are expecting!- and April just came back from a cruise, and she does love her cruises! So it was fun to catch up.

Got it going!
Right to left – April, Liz, Joelyn
Joelyn and Liz – We had glow bracelets.

I did end up going to the doctor but it appeared to be just a flu of some sort. Still knocked me for a loop. One of the things that has been hard is the nausea. I could not eat anything, and what I did try (toast, crackers) tasted like straw. Even this morning my toast was bland and tasteless. I tried ice cream but it soured my stomach – and taste buds. So I ate a pretzel and I’m done for the day.

Doctor’s office spring tree.

I was supposed to go the the Dillweed B&B this morning for their annual Herb Fair. It’s always such a wonderful event, but I knew I couldn’t manage it. Kathy went anyway and brought me back some honey.

May be an image of 8 people, Lewisia and text that says 'Plant-It Earth Greenhouse 724-479-0808 79-0808 HomerCity Homer City PA'
One of the flower booths – from their website.
May be an image of leather and saddle-stitched leather
An example of the booths.

Then she stopped and bought the dowel rods and magnets I needed to make my fishing poles for Bible School tomorrow night. She spent about an hour here helping me finish up with that project and I really appreciated her help! Super-sister to the rescue.

Funky fishing poles

My blessings for today were my sister and finally walking outside my house!

PEANUTS (true) though for the day:

This is true! Everyone was so kind — even Joe, who checked in twice!!!
Thanks to Autmn, and Joe, and Kath, and Beth, and Nate, and Kelly and Mary for checking up on me!

TOMORROW June 9th is:

Donald Duck Day; National Light a Candle Day; National Kids Day; National Meal Prep Day; National Sex Day; National Flag Week.

WAY BACK on my last post the Fake day was National Nail Day. Tomorrow is also the start of Vacation Bible School week – I’m teaching pre-K. I’ll celebrate the Flag! Flag day is Friday. God bless…

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