May 30, 2024

It was nice to laze in bed and not jump up at the alarm.
I did a quick check on the newly planted grass and it looks like I’m finally getting some little grass shooting up. After showers Kelly and I had hot tea with honey; she had a scone and I had a muffin. We both left at 11am – she and Chase went to his evaluation for home schooling 9th grade, and I went to Jeannette to work.

A tiny bit of progress

Kelly had baked cupcakes for Chase’s evaluator. We sent Rege a txt to see if he wanted one but he said he was obtaining from sweets. Sad! She does a great job baking – she’s been a baker since she had to stand on a stool at the counter to help!

Don’t they look yummy!!

We both got home about noon, and spend about an hour visiting before we both had to leave. I went to my eye appointment, then to Greensburg Pinnacle. She and Chase went shopping for supplies and then to a picnic event. Those guys never stop! My allowance for eye coverage increased, so with what I had saved and budgeted I was able to get a pair of progressive lenses and a pair of readers for very low cost. I’m excited and can’t wait for them to come in.

So let’s flood the Word Garden with Graduation! I made a few notes from the student speeches: 1) Life is not a race – slow down! 2) My mother is always right! 3) When you need help or see an opportunity – KNOCK! 4) Reach for your full potential.

2024 student class president – student speaker

Chrissy sent me a txt after graduation – thanking me for always being there for her. Very sweet of her to think of doing that in the midst of all her excitement!

Hats off to the Grads!

Here are pictures at Lauren and Jen took.

May be an image of 1 person
Here we go!
May be an image of 1 person and text
Official grad,…
May be an image of 1 person and text
Class of 2024
May be an image of 1 person
Flowers to match her beautiful smile!
May be an image of 5 people
Christine waving…
May be an image of 1 person
May be an image of 1 person and flower
May be an image of 4 people
Nate and Chris and Jen
Jack (step-dad), Christina and Lauren (Mom)

I’m so proud and happy – she has a beautiful spirit and a loving heart and determination to make life work! Congrats sweet girl!

The day she was born!

My heart is full, and my blessings are many!

PEANUTS Thought for the Day:

TOMORROW May 31st is:

World Parrot Day; Garden Wildlife Week; Autonomous Vehicle Day; National Fisherfolks Day; National Stay at Home Day; National Heat Awareness Day; National Macaroon Day; National Save Your Hearing Day; National Smile Day; National Speak in Complete Sentences Day; Web Designer Day; What You Think Upon Grows Day; World No Tobacco Day.

Yesterday’s fake day was National Stay in Bed and Read Day (That’s was Kelly’s contribution!). Tomorrow let’s celebrate smiles. Share one – it’s contagious! God bless…

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