Rumor has it that it’s supposed to be spring. The calendar says that, the moon says that, and the seasons say that. But the weather isn’t quite with the program yet. Hopefully by the weekend! Can’t wait for warm weather and lots of sunshine! But when I came back from my walk this afternoon I strolled around the yard looking for hints. My hyacinths are popping up everywhere. I buy myself a potted hyacinth every Easter, and once it’s done blooming I tuck it away until I can plant the bulbs outside. I usually forget where I plant them until they start coming up in the early spring. I love looking for them, seeing all the different colors. I have several shades of purple, pink and white, most in little clusters but some just freshly poking up through the cold earth.
There’s even several little patches of daffodils coming up but they aren’t blooming yet. The back yard ones will bloom first; they get morning sun. The jonquils in the front yard won’t bloom until weeks after the back yard ones. The back yard daffodils are all yellow; the front yard jonquils are yellow and white. I believe there are even a few double daffodils, which are really fun! The little pink TEA TIME garden flag is a constant reminder that our annual Crocus Tea (the girls and I!) is overdue – gotta get that organized soon!
I even discovered a plastic egg that was overlooked during the big Easter hunt. And guess what was in it? Yep! A sealed packet of pastel M&M’s! Hurray!!! I’m sure with the warmer weather this weekend, a lot more hyacinths will be popping up and dressed in full blooms. May even get some tulips and Comfert with the little blue flowers. I’ll keep you posted. I’m pretty certain, however, that there will be no more hidden eggs with M&M’s. Bummer….
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