October 26, 2022

Just as I was getting out of bed I heard the rain. It stuck around most of the day with only a few cloudy interludes. And WAY more leaves on the driveway and in the yard. But the day started with a left-over event from yesterday.

Today’s rain has been brought to you by…
A beautiful sunrise
My house and front yard –
lots of leaves

Update on the Pinky Winky – I CAN trim it – in the spring! 🙂

It’s been blooming nicely!

Kelly & I noticed that the right front tire on the Buick was considerably low. I drove down to work and they put air in it but said to watch it. They found a screw stuck in the tread. Well, we watched it get lower! By the time we got home it only had about 18 lb of air as opposed to 32! I left the car outside as we could not get to the tire if it was parked in the garage. This morning when I checked the tire it was completely flat!

Yes, very flat.

I had promised Claudia I would deliver the freshly ironed linens to her at Hanna’s Town this morning, so we did that in Kelly’s car. While we were gone, Ken and Rege came up and got the car and had the tire fixed. Now it’s sitting happily back in the garage with the appropriate amount of air and all is well! I love those guys!

Happy car, happy tire – happy me!

It was wonderful to have Nate, Jen, Chrissy, Autmn and Xavier here tonight for Pizza with Kelly, Chase, Logan and I. We had a lot of laughs and some necessary discussions – I love these guys and the love and support they have for me, and for each other. So glad to spend the evening with them.

Everyone loves their pizza!

Just a little head’s up – I have to have a gland removed from my neck next week. I’ll keep everyone informed as we go along. God’s got this!

October 26 – Share a memory about being very scared. “I was to go bring the cows in to be milked in the outside cow lot. One of the cows had just had a calf & was way back in the woods. I got mixed up & went the wrong direction from where I needed to be. I followed a ‘rocky bottom creek’ about a mile. Found a place I was familiar with and was okay to find my way back. The cows were milked when I got there. 🙂 “

Calendar inspiration -The greatest challenges give the greatest rewards.

Quote –

See the source image

Scripture –

See the source image

Random Photo –

I’m sure Mom couldn’t lose THIS cow!

TOMORROW October 27th is:

I would think Halloween would be Black Cat day. I may not celebrate anything specific tomorrow. Have a happy day – God bless…

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