September 18, 2022

Kelly and I left the house at a little before 8am, and arrived in Stahlstown with time to spare. It was cool in the mountains, but we were comfortable with hoodies. The Stahlstown United Methodist Church hosted the service and the minister was very engaging. Her message was ‘Jesus and Mr. Rogers’ – which if you couldn’t guess, it was the good Samaritan. The ‘neighbor.’ She had a short children’s message before the main message, and there were three hymns. It’s the first time in as long as I can remember when I’ve attended an outdoor church service. Very blessed.

Entertainment and worship stage
Minister leading worship – see the cat in the ‘window’?
Children’s church – sorry about the man in the middle!
A lady in the front row – whom I know – had the tag on her hat. If I know her, it was intentional!

We set up my book table outside the Flax Scutching building. Marilee spent a lot of time popping by our table to chat, and a friend that works in the Ligonier Library (Shirley) came over and talked several times. My good friend Ed Kelemen was there, too – he is very successful! Kelly made Energy Balls (which contain ground Flax seed) and we shared with Marilee, Shirley, and Ed. We took turns walking through the tents and checking out the booths. We also had food vouchers for lunch, plus before we left we split a funnel cake. I bought cider so I can have hot cider for breakfast a few times.

‘Author’ at her book table with display
Shirley and Rick (who I just met)
The Regulars are… here!
Colonials read for lunch
Cutest service dog I ever saw – with a pink visor hat!
Flax equipment
More flax equipment
and more…
Row of craft tents
Hoping no one is really using this…
Children’s area
Engine pump for water.
Regiment flag in the encampment

The views were wonderful coming down off the mountain. It was a beautiful drive home. We ordered Jioio’s pizza for supper, and that was the perfect ending to our day!

September 18 – Describe your typical school day outfit. “When in high school I wore skirts & blouses, all homemade. Saddle shoes were popular & then penny loafers. I polished my shoes often.”

Calendar Inspiration –

See the source image
Growing Flax is hard work!

Quote –

See the source image

Scripture –

See the source image

Random photo –

Skunk Hollow Outing at the Dillweed – 2008

TOMORROW September 19th is:

Tomorrow is ‘getting the crown on my implant’ day. I don’t think I’d make a convincing pirate. Have a great week! God bless…

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