March 29, 2017

Today I skipped out of work at noon.  I still had a whole credit holiday to take from the Christmas holidays, as they were on weekends.  I did some errands, took a long walk outside, then played in the dirt for a couple of hours.  That was so nice, and it was very hard to come inside and be an adult for the rest of the evening — cleaning and paying bills, etc.

It was so very nice to clean in the daylight, and in the sunshine as well!  Seldom am I home at that hour and it was a blessing.  Makes me see what a difference there could be in my life when I finally start cutting back hours.  One little step at a time!  Soon, I hope!

Doesn’t look like any progress on the bird’s nest – nothing else added and no eggs in the nest. I am careful to stay clear of it and no touch it or anything near the nest.

Saw my first snake of the season this week when I was walking.  Flatter than a pancake, smushed on the road and dead as a doornail.  Why do the SAY that??  Of course doornails are dead.  Anyway, I was totally glad it was dead but it freaked me out, none-the-less.  It was probably about a foot and a half long and about a quarter size round, had it not been pancaked.  Yuck.

What will be the next adventure in the neighborhood???

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