August 25, 2022

Today was Hempfield’s first day of school – and Chrissy is a Junior this year. How time flies. So many back to school pictures posted but here is Christina Kelly, ready to conquer the world (or at least the first day!)

A great start to the day.

I had Cheerios and a banana for breakfast before work. There wasn’t much in Jeannette, but the guys had to go pick up a car so I stayed and watched the phones and the lot while they were gone. Made me feel important! Then I went to Greensburg and did a few deals up there and helped Joe figure out an application for dealer tags. It was a basically quiet morning!

Watching the phone in Jeannette – It didn’t do anything….

At home I grabbed a small piece of leftover pizza and waited for my first appointment. ‘Sean’ came to explain different Medicare and supplemental Dental plans. I got enough information to at least make an informed decision as to my immediate decision. I have until December 7th to make a different choice. Then at 3pm my neighbor, Mr. G, who is my financial advisor, came over to guide me in the required distribution of funds from my 401k. So all taken care of, at least for now.

Mr. G

After that I went outside and pulled weeds on the hill. I forgot to take a ‘before’ picture, but if you look at the one photo you can see how it DID look and how it’s cleaned up. Still have a lot to work on. One weed at a time!

I didn’t do the top near the fence so that’s what the whole thing looked like
By the steps
Along the yard
Bottom part weeded (the yellow is Creeping Jenny)

Kathy stopped over to drop something off, and we chatted for about an hour. It was good to catch up, and find out about Millie’s first day of Kindergarten and the plans for her birthday party Saturday.

May be an image of 1 person, child, standing and outdoors
Millie ready for her first day!

I have ‘A Royal Winter’ on in the background – and it’s one I really like. I love when the kids sing Lavender Blue. While I was watching that part I looked out the window. One little corner of the sky was lit up with bright pink clouds. Beautiful sky tonight.

Fun little movie – and I like Merritt Patterson
Evening sky

August 25 – If you ever had a hero, tell who, tell why. “I think Rev. Russell Wilson from the Church of God. he was a young man & went in the army as a Chaplain. He wrote to Hazel, Jim & me.” Worthy person to be a hero!

Calendar inspiration – Life is the sum of our daily choices; choose well to live well.

Quote –

See the source image

Scripture –

See the source image

Random photo –

Sarah’s choice was to climb Grama Dot’s tree! 2008

TOMORROW August 26th is:

Does NATE DOGG count for dog day? He’s my favorite!! I’ll stack my equality up against any woman’s. Have a happy Friday and a great start to the weekend! God bless…

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