August 16, 2022

In honor of today’s National Tell a Joke Day:

Sort of fitting for a writer, right?

Today was my checkup at my dentist. That went fairly well, but then they scanned my mouth for the implant crown. That was weird. And I won’t even tell you how much that’s going to cost. I’m looking at alternative plans…

Middle tooth is implant

That appointment pushed back my day, so I didn’t get home until about 2:15pm. Kelly, Logan and Chase got there about ten minutes later. Kelly & I made an emergency food run to Walmart, then I cleaned the grapes and strawberries and made egg salad.

Egg salad

I had emails to answer, and then I took a break to get food. We had fried squash, mac/cheese, French fries, and chicken nuggets. Logan gets settled in front of the TV, and about 20 minutes after the rest of us are finished and the kitchen is cleaned up, he’s done eating. So he’s gotten used to cleaning up his own plate.

Captivated by the TV.

It was sunny but cool today. I walked outside and found a Stella Doro blooming. And the hill looks so neat and much sparser since I cleaned up yesterday. It will be at least Saturday or Sunday before I have time to be outside again.

Stella Doro
The hill tamed down a bit

I was excited to see an email in my inbox from my author friend Liz! She was just checking in! I was still working on the review for her newest release, ‘Home to Brambleberry Creek’, so I had sort of stayed in the background. But it’s posted on B&N and on Kindle now, so I’m posting it here, as well.

Book cover for Home to Brambleberry Creek by Elizabeth Bromke

From the first introduction of Esther and Billy, then Morgan Jo, and on through the entire story, I felt like I had stepped into a real life setting.  Morgan Jo’s family felt like my family, in that no one was perfect yet everyone was perfectly characterized.  And the fact that there were cousins, and extended family, and fields and pastures and farm houses and creeks, made me want to meet each one of them in person and move in the house down the lane.  There were secrets in this family, and heartaches, but also joy and love.  We are introduced to a life that felt right and good, even with the imperfections.  Why was Essie obsessed with her twin sister’s death?  Why was Morgan Jo reluctant to reconnect to her grandmother?  What traumatic event caused her disability?  And what part, exactly, does love and friendship play in helping Morgan Jo – and her family – heal? Each family member holds a piece of the puzzle, and as the story moves between Essie’s memories and Morgan Jo’s reality, we put the picture together one step at a time. And they didn’t have to be in complete agreement to support and encourage each other. I think one of my favorite parts was the connection that the cousins had. Family – and coming home… That is what’s important. Elizabeth’s style and writing is clearly evident, but it’s also very clear that she has broadened that style. Well written in Liz’s unique yet refreshing approach. I loved it! (Just a postscript here for my Word Garden readers – there is a close connection of cousins and other family in this book – that made me happy!)

August 16 – If you ever ran away from home, tell about it. “I wrote on February 7th about Ruth & me running away. That was the only time, and I do think ONCE was enough!”

Calendar Inspiration – and Snoopy should be an inspiration for me to get more writing done!

Quote –

See the source image

Scripture –

See the source image

Random Photo –

Selling my book at Dan Rice Days

TOMORROW August 17th is:

Well, I do have to admit that my feet have been there for me since the day I was born. We’re very close. And as for Massachusetts, I LOVE Boston! I’d go back in a heartbeat. My favorite Nonprofit (small) is Ninth Life Rescue, of course. Have a happy day tomorrow, celebrating what makes you happy. God bless!

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