May 24, 2022

My car wasn’t ready, so I still have the bigger one. But it’s such a nice car and drives so nicely; I can deal with it sitting outside for a few days.

I think it’s smiling…

After work I mixed up a batch of scones – long overdue – and made a batch of drizzle for them (anticipating them tomorrow!). I had a navy blue shirt that I bought and had to press it off, and had some things to put away in cupboards. Then I went over to Kathy’s and we dug the lilac out of her back yard. Allen & Bonnie bought it for us when Mom died, and as we were sharing gifts she took the lilac. She didn’t want to leave it at the house when she moves, and can’t plant it there. So I dug a hole and brought it here. Also dug a small piece of ground phlox.

Snoopy guarding the newly planted lilac.

My intention was to get out my red/white/blue decorations for the weekend holiday, but on the way up the steps from the bottom yard I decided to spend some time weeding. The buttercups were overrunning everything so I cleaned them out. There are still plenty in the gardens.

Looks much neater. From the bottom looking up.

Here are a few garden pictures. I have purple, white, and yellow Dutch Iris. Also a mystery flower that I never saw in the garden before and don’t know what it is.

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Red Dianthus and purple Dutch Iris
Yellow Dutch Iris (just starting to bloom) and mystery flower.
Mystery flower
White Dutch Iris

I finally did get around to the decorations, all except for changing the garden flags. I will do that in the morning. It’s 9pm and I need to grab something to eat so I called it quits! I’m home tomorrow so I’ll have time.

Miss Dottie ready for the holiday weekend
Changed the deck lights to Red/White/Blue. Had to get new light strings as the other ones faded away….

May 24 – Did you have homework? “We could usually get our homework done at school. When the teacher had 8 grades to teach we had a lot of time to study and do any homework. In high school we had study halls.”

Yesterday’s vacation destination was Fort Knox KY and the picture posted was an antique mall. Here are a few other points of interest:

Saunders Springs Nature Preserve
Patton Museum of Cavalry and Armor
Otter Creek
Civil War Fort Duffield
Swope’s Cars of Yesterday Museum
Blazer’s Fun Zone
Kentucky’s September 11th Memorial
Fort Knox Depository

Calendar inspiration – Enthusiasm keeps everything in your life fresh & lively.

Quote –

Scripture –

Vacation Destination –

Where shall we go today? Hint in yesterday’s post.

TOMORROW May 25th is:

Towel day! I will wash towels tomorrow so that will be a perfect celebration. Who could want more? Please pray for my friend Di’s brother-in-law Vince who is fighting cancer and in great pain. Also, Dianne’s sister Judy who has COVID and Pneumonia. Treatment is very difficult because of several health issues. God is good – every day. Thank you. God bless…

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