May 21, 2022

I will recap yesterday’s adventure first. We left a little after 8am and headed out the turnpike toward Lancaster. It was cloudy to start, but the views were still wonderful. I love Pennsylvania hills!

Overcast view over the mountains
Fields and mountains
A river runs through it –
Harrisburg, that is.

We got into Lancaster right around noon, and ate at Olive Garden. Although I don’t mind eating there, it really didn’t agree with me. I had stomach cramps until about 4pm or so. I just had the soup and salad bar so I don’t know.

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We still had a little time to spare so we drove the few miles over to Strasburg. It’s a quaint little 1733’s town, and offers a general store, antique shops, and even frequent Amish buggies on the streets. I bought some non-perils at the general store which were yummy.

Old Bank Building
Country Store

The show – as mentioned – was DAVID. They did an excellent job of capturing all of his life, and stressing David’s strong relationship with God. David’s Psalms were sprinkled throughout the entire production. Goliath was so huge that when he fell it felt like the entire theater shook! There were some emotional and tense scenes, and the little boy in front of us (I’m guessing about 8 or 9 years old) cried several times. But he was smiling at the end so all was well. We got home a little after 10pm.

DAVID at Sight and Sound
Lion and the Lamb –
Kathy and Paul walking in the back left.
In the lobby
Paul, Kathy, me

This morning I stripped the bed and washed sheets, and after a piece of toast I cut the grass. It was already about 78*, and rain is predicted for tomorrow. I was glad to see the grass is growing in the new spot beside the deck and down in the lower yard. Yea!

Grass is growing

I had the afternoon shift for tours at Hanna’s Town, but I think the heat kept people away. We had about 3 or 4 groups come to the site, but they looked at the inside displays and through the gift shop, then went down to visit the goats. No one wanted to be out in the hot sun for over an hour. The shop cashier and I spent the afternoon exchanging stories about volunteering, families, and car dealerships! I enjoyed getting to know Barbara a bit. When it was time to lock up the buildings, I took a few photos. I loved being there but would have enjoyed having a tour. My next turn is on Memorial Day.

Springhouse roof with Tavern
in the background
Progress on the kitchen garden
Tavern table ready for lunch
Set to play cards;
dishware in the corner cupboard
Hanna’s personal living quarters
Textiles and clothing; loom
set up for school tours
Big patch of flax
Education Center and gift shop

A big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Sherree Johnson, Jen’s Mom. Hope your day was great, Sherree!!!

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Sherree with Jen

May 21 – What year did you graduate from high school? “I would have graduated in 1948.” (But instead, she got married!!)

Yesterday’s vacation destination was Bedford County (we went through there yesterday on the Turnpike) and the photo posted was the Pied Piper of Bedford. Here are additional photos.

The Coffee Pot – on the Lincoln Highway
Fort Bedford Museum
Old Bedford Village
Shawnee State Park
Old Ship Hotel
Jean Bonnet Tavern
Warrior Ridge
Abandoned Pennsylvania Turnpike
We went through four tunnels yesterday.

Calendar inspiration – Take your spirit of adventure and try something new. Be bold and have fun!

Quote –

Scripture –

Vacation Destination –

A place to visit

TOMORROW May 22nd is:

I’ve never really been good at being anyone else, but I haven’t exactly excelled at being ME either! Best thing is to just keep trying. God bless…

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