A few seeds for the Word Garden

I can look outside my door as I sit here, and see the brown, dirty landscape.  In winter, it feels like everything has died and left us void of life and color.

But the roots and seeds and sprouts of spring just sit dormant, waiting for warmer temperatures and sunshine.  Then they will burst forth with life and color, and the world will rejoice!  Although summer is my favorite season (give me bare feet, 90*, and shorts any day!), the arrival of spring lifts my soul.  Winter is the time that God has determined that his earth (at least in Western Pennsylvania!) needs a rest. 

As we all do.

I keep busy – I love being busy and having things to do.  I make lists and take on projects and get involved in many things, including my jobs.  I often refuse to let myself take a break, or be ‘tired’, or just say ‘no’ now and again.  But just like winter, I need to be dormant, and feel the quiet calm around me.  God did not design us to be busy and engaged every minute. 

I am giving myself my own advise here.  It’s very difficult for me to let up on my schedule. But these past few weeks have found me taking a little extra time in the evening to sit and read, or fall asleep on the couch.  It’s my winter, so I’ll make a cup of hot tea, grab my current read, and let myself relax just a bit.  Spring is around the corner, so look out!

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