May 12, 2022

Here’s my limerick: There once a garden so fair; Everyone liked to be there. I’d go every day, cause I knew the way. It’s the most perfect place I could share! OK – there you go.

Back garden
Part of my own little garden…

Worked both stores this morning, then stopped and got gas for the car and for the mower gas can. Got home about half an hour before Kelly’s crew got here. Gave me time to pull some weeds, spread some Round-up on the hill, and pull some totes out of the shed to take to Kathy to use for packing. Kelly’s hair is finally growing in, and it looks so cute! I love it!

Kelly’s beautiful hair!
Digging the hole
Almost done

Everyone pitched in and helped with the projects. Peyton dug the new hole for the fire pit and spread the extra dirt at the bottom by the deck. It leveled the area out nicely. Logan and I carried the stones up the hill to the new location, and Kelly dug up the old base and discarded it under the shed.

Green thumb

At that point Peyton and I went to Lowe’s and got grass seed, top soil, charcoal bricketts for the base of the fire pit, pond stone to filter around the outside of the fire pit, and oil and a spark plug for the mower. After he finished the fire pit, he spread the top soil and planted the seeds. He really does have a green thumb!

Finally finished
Looks so nice!

Next he drained the oil from the mower and changed the spark plug (never done!). He took the blade off and sharpened that, and then cleaned underneath the mower deck – but Kelly helped with that. We hooked the hose up and Logan came out and watered the new grass the the flowers Dottie gave me on Tuesday. Peyton also spray-painted my milk can.

Gray milk can – I think it needs to be darker….
Seeding the old space

By that time, we had finished all the outside projects, so Kelly and I took the totes over to Kathy then got groceries for the Field Trip tomorrow at the Flight 93 Memorial. After spaghetti and garlic toast for supper, we made chocolate chip cookie bars and muffins for tomorrow. It’s 10pm and I am totally done for the day. Whew. We sure got a lot done.


May 12 -Tell a favorite singer and a song that he/she sang? “Frank Sinatra was the # one singer when I was a teenager.”

Yesterday’s vacation destination was Butchart Gardens in British Colombia, Canada. Here are more pictures from these beautiful gardens!

At Christmas
At Christmas

Calendar Inspiration – Everyone has their own viewpoint; accept other people’s opinions even if you prefer your own.

Quote –

Scripture –

Vacation Destination –

No it’s not Teresa’s ship! Not even close. Where is it?

TOMORROW May 13th is:

Oh, boy. I can get into blaming someone else! I’m going to start making my list right now. I do wish I had a piece of apple pie with ice cream – but I’ll settle for a cookie tomorrow! God bless…

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2 comments on “May 12, 2022
  1. Genevieve Morris says:

    Whoa, Marge, you and the family did get alot done! I know you’ll enjoy the firepit closer to the deck. And, I had ticket to go see Buthcart Gardens on the end of the Alaska cruise, but they had oversold and I didn’t get there. Bummer.

    • Marge Burke says:

      Oh, it looked like such a beautiful place! Sorry you missed out on that. Yes, we were busy yesterday! Today is the field trip – Tomorrow is busy as well. All fun. Have a great weekend. 🙂

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