May 10, 2022

Another beautiful morning! Di’s song of the day was Lemon Tree by Peter, Paul and Mary (her favorite group). I remember doing creative dance to that song in either 7th or 9th grade. I ended up teaching the routine to my cousins and we performed for the aunts and uncles and Grandma Crooks! Fun memory.

Image result for Lemon Tree By Peter Paul & Mary. Size: 146 x 120. Source:

I worked both stores, then stopped at Hanna’s Town and dropped the photos and forms off to Joanna for Mom’s wedding dress. There was a school tour in progress and there were kids everywhere. They were having a great time, well behaved, and happy. It was fun to see that dynamic in action.

(Stock photo)

I was just pulling onto my street when Keven called me and said they had a customer on my car. Could I switch out this afternoon so they could have it cleaned and available first thing in the morning? Since I had to meet Bear at the Civic Center after 2pm, I agreed to drop it off at 2pm and get a different car. It’s actually almost identical, but it’s dark gray and has heated seats. I have this knack of getting cars with heated seats in the summer and moon roofs in the winter! But any car is always fine and I love the color of this one.

2019 Nissan Sentra – dark gray

Bob Zumbro’s obituary was in the Trib (finally), and i was able to leave a memory on the page for Chris and the family. It was fun to read about him and remember….

“Bob always had a smile and would give a stranger the cutoff sleeve t-shirt from his back. ” – This is a very true quote from his obituary!

After lunch I FINALLY finished the ironing; that’s when I switched cars and met Bear at the Civic Center. There was a crew working on the roof-top patio, so he took me on the ‘nickel tour’ up to the penthouse. The views were amazing. He showed me the architect’s drawings of the new patio and conference room, floors, lighting, and offices. It will be very beautiful! I’d never been upstairs before. I was there for an hour!

View from the top!

Next: Groceries! I talked to Kelly and got a partial list of their requests for the weekend; we’ll get the balance of missing items on Thursday afternoon if necessary. When I got home, Dottie (neighbor) was working in her yard and gave me some plants that she wasn’t going to use. I planted 4 coleus and an interesting purple annual that I don’t know the name of. I noticed that the seeds I planted last year (Forget-me-nots) came up full and beautiful. Hoping they will spread!

mystery flower
Beautiful forget-me-nots: The squirrels agree!

Teresa got her schooner ride! She txt me this photo first thing this morning. What a beautiful, peaceful sail. For lunch today they had a cheesecake and wine tasting event. (Her favorites were Lemon cheesecake with blueberry wine.) She met a lady from Virginia that loves to hike and they’ve struck up a friendship. Sounds like she’s having a wonderful time! Hard not to be jealous….

Look who’s in charge!!!
Teresa on the schooner
Schooner on the moonlit bay
Taste testing

May 10 – Name some popular hit songs from your youth. “1. People Will Say We’re in Love. 2. Eddy Arnold’s song I’ll hold you in my heart til I can Hold you in my Arms. 3) Slow boat to China.” I loved Eddy Arnold, and still do! Gen bought me my first Eddy Arnold album in high school and I still have it!

Yesterday’s vacation destination was not a destination; it was a theme: RAINBOWS. Here are some of the best places to take a vacation that have the most beautiful rainbows. Yesterday’s rainbow picture was Iguazu Falls in Argentina & Brazil. Stunning views.

Kauai Hawaii (Hawaii is the rainbow state)
Yosemite National Park – CA
Jasper National Park Alberta Canada
Lake Neusiedl Austria
Cumberland Falls State Resort Park NY
Victoria Falls Zambia and Zimbabwe
Niagara Falls, New York and Canada
Here is a different type of rainbow. Rainbow Mountain in Peru!

Calendar Inspiration – Practicing helps you learn a skill, but also patience and persistence as well.

Quote –

Scripture –

Vacation destination –

There was a hint in yesterday’s Word Garden…
I’m reading a book set on a grouping of islands off the coast of this place.

TOMORROW May 11th is:

Eating what you want can be a dangerous choice! Do so with forethought and caution, but enjoy! God bless…

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