May 6, 2022

Rainy, rainy day. Cloudy. Cool. Drab. But!!!! Sunshine in my soul. God is good, all the time.

Image result for image of sunshine in the rain

I had the strangest thing happen; things you don’t think about. Rege called me yesterday and asked if I would talk to an old friend of his who had a complicated title question. I called him (Brian) and we discussed his situation for at least 20 minutes. He basically wanted to do something that he couldn’t do. He was trying to find a way to accomplish something by skipping a step. It was a legitimate issue but I didn’t really have a solution. Rege called me later in the day to see if we solved anything. I told him my recommendations to Brain, and we left it go at that. This morning Rege called me first thing and said that Brian passed away last night from a massive heart attack! Brian was in his 60’s; not that old at all. There was no warning. Even though I didn’t know Brian it was super freaky that I had spent so much time talking to him yesterday to solve his problem – but today it didn’t matter. What a wake up call. You just never know.

I had scones and hot tea for breakfast and used all the icing. So I mixed up more for future scones. I am trying to read through the ARC copy that I have so I can post reviews, as the release day is today. Almost done! I did a load of laundry, answered a few emails, and pulled Mom’s wedding gown out of the cedar chest. I’m taking it as a donation to the Historical Society, along with her wedding pictures. I’m so glad it will be redeemed! Now to figure out what to do with mine.

Despite the damp and rain, the ‘shadow’ tour went on at Hanna’s Town as planned. There were only six of us there but it was well worth the time. There were a few new points and procedures that I hadn’t been exposed to yet. Jeff is a real sponge of knowledge for the site, and it’s fascinating to listen to him. It’s also nice we had two younger persons that want to give tours. I was sort of excited because Amber is from Erie! She’s also done a small section of the Appalachian Trail so we had some stories to share on both accounts.

Hanna’s Town in the rain
Amber on left, intern in center, Louise on the right
Jeff – our seasoned tour guide

One of the Smail PEEPS, Liz Stape, graduated today from WCC as a paralegal. So proud of her, and happy for a bright future ahead! Congrats, Elizabeth!

My favorite author/friend Liz Bromke is doing facebook-live presentation at 6pm, so I want to be done with this in time to watch. I’m also planning a salad for supper since it won’t be too late.

May 6 – Tell a favorite memory of your mother – “When she would go with us on vacation & join in & do things with you (meaning me) and Kathy. She went sled-riding in the winter with all the neighbors. My mother would sew late into the night to make me something special to wear. She was a wonderful mother.”

Yesterday’s vacation destination was Old Bedford Village. I’ve been there several time. Here are other photos of the site:

Covered bridge entrance
Beautiful tree
Grab something to eat
Company store
Lots to purchase
The little chapel
A fancier home

Calendar Inspiration – What do you like best about spring?

Quote –

Scripture –

Vacation destination –

A beautiful place that you can’t visit right now!

TOMORROW May 7th is:

That’s quite a list. I really have no clue! Tomorrow is my cousin Gwen’s daughter Tara’s wedding day. So we’ll celebrate that as we attend. God bless!

Tara and Jacob
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