I’m not sure what else I can say about my mom that I haven’t said over and over before; other than the fact that having her for a mother has blessed not only my life but countless others — including our families above and below her generation.Eakman Family

This is the generation above her –  I believe her mom is the far right back row.  I’ve heard story after story about her and her siblings growing up, and going to her Grama’s and visiting her aunts and uncles.  A lot of love and respect and faith was gained from that family, who are a part of her history and mine.

Crooks family.1This is her family when she was young, taken in their side yard with the chicken coup in the left background.  Those fields are now tall with trees and grown up to hide the hills.  My Grama Crooks is front right, Aunt Joan front center, Grandad Crooks front left, with mom behind him.  Uncle Jim in the back center with Aunt Hazel on the back right.  I love this photo.  Sometimes when we look at our parents/grandparents/aunts/cousins – we forget they had a life of their own, and it was so vastly different than ours we cannot begin to understand how they were raised!

Crooks.1 3-15

This is Uncle Jim, Aunt Hazel, and my mom on the far right.  She doesn’t look too happy in that picture! But I think they are all quite good looking.

Eventually Mom married my dad, and became a wife and mother. Cousins at Christmas All her life she had been learning and growing, and had lots of knowledge, faith, and love to share with Kathy and I, as well as all those who would gather around her through the years.

Today – July 20th, my mother is 86 years old.  She has shared 66 of those years with me.  I am more blessed and honored than I can say to have her as my mom, and with this post am sending equal amounts of love and appreciation for her support and belief in me.  Thanks, Mom – and happy birthday.  Here’s to MANY MANY MORE!  Love you!Mom's 6-16




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2 comments on “HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!
  1. Karen Ober says:

    Enjoyed your story & pictures!

  2. Lynne Varega says:

    Happy birthday Mrs. Graves. I don’t know if you remember, but my husband Dale and I came to visit you years ago after a Presque Isle trip. We took home some of your backyard flowers and I still have some blooming today. Have a great day.

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