Twin Lakes

Twin Lakes 7-16What a beautiful day it was today!  The Arts and Heritage Festival at Twin Lakes has been in full swing since Thursday but today was my first visit out there.  My friend and fellow writer (very talentedly prolificly successful!) Ed Kelemen had a book table on the Heritage Trail, and invited several authors to join him.  Bev was there with her psychic book, Linda had her time-travel fantasies, and I was there with Letters to Mary.  Ed – of course – sold quite a number of his book.  Ghost stories and paranormal are very popular! The rest fared ok but no records set!

Twin Lakes.1 7-16I was very excited to be there, and to spend the day with special friends: fun people and great writers.  Ron stopped by late in the day, and Ed’s daughter Kat was there, as well.  Thanks, Ed, for the invitation and the opportunity you presented us all!

Book 7-16Then to cap off the day, when I returned home my Amazon order had arrived!  I can’t wait to get started on reading this newest book – this is one of my FAVORITE authors and I wait hungrily for each new book.  I know what I will spend part of my day doing!

All of these great things in one day – plus a long walk in the dusk watching neighborhood fireworks – and another whole day OFF tomorrow to celebrate Independence!  Happy birthday USA!!!

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