After several weeks of delays, Kath and I finally made it up I-79 to Albion to visit with our parents.  We made our customary stop at the Edinboro Walmart for Kitty food and pulled into the drive at about 8pm. It’s always so great to see them smiling and looking so good!  Hugs all around!

We lugged the luggage to our bedrooms, then settled down to have Christmas.  It’s so fun to watch the paper fall away and see the reactions to what was inside.  I think the biggest ‘hit’ was the huge coffee-table book that Santa left for John.  It was all about tractors; their history, their pictures — just fun!  He poured over the pages as if they contained buried treasure – I’m convinced they did!

A fairly new addition to the family is the kitty –  he showed up one September day, hiding under my car and then burying himself in the blackberry bushes beside the garden shed.  The stray that couldn’t stay is now an inside cat, entertaining my parents with his antics and worming his little way into their hearts.  He sleeps on a rag-rug on the table by the washing machine in the basement, and likes to take naps on the air-conditioner in the dining room.  Fred  1-16

Fred did NOT warm up to either Kath or I, even with a steady coaxing effort of tiny treats.  Maybe he’ll eventually relax and let us scratch his ears, but in the meantime he hides under the TV stand or dashes around the table if we get too close.

After a super-yummy lunch of Lake Erie Perch (caught by John’s son-in-law!), John turned on the basketball game and lost himself in the baskets and referee whistles.  Mom, Kath, and I sat around in the parlor and talked about family – Mom’s parents, grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles.  We love hearing stories about these people that we barely remember but are part of our ancestry! 

The hardest part is always backing out the driveway to head home.  Today it was even a little harder, because as we turned right onto Route 6N, a little icy mix greeted our travels.  The roads were slippery, and we took extra time to get to I-79 South.  Thankfully the remainder of the trip was clear and safe, and we arrived home in good time, tired but happy, with great memories and hearts full of love and the blessing of a cherished family.  AND…. the happy thoughts of the next trip as soon as we can manage it!   Love you!!!

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