Tuesday – Mt. Vernon 2015

MV.1 12-15

It was our last day of vacation – up early and a long walk through the historic section of Colonial Williamsburg.  The morning was cool and overcast but the rain was gone.  After a shower, breakfast, and packing up the Mazda, we headed back to Route 64 and then to I-95 toward D.C. 

It wasn’t as hard as I thought to get to Mount Vernon – the home of our first U.S. president.  We really enjoyed the preview film about his home and his life, and the tour guide inside the home was very informative.  George Washington was truly a brave, intelligent, successful patriot.  I loved seeing the rooms, and the furnishings, and getting just a small glimpse into his life.

MV 12-15We walked out on the veranda and the view across the Potomac was beautiful!  I didn’t realize the house was so close the river.  I accidently learned how to use the panoramic setting on my camera and was able to take this photo – imagine sitting here having breakfast, or entertaining friends on warm summer evenings.

After I took the picture of the Potomac, I turned around and took the photo of the front of the house.  MV.3 12-15There were porticos on each side connecting the outbuildings. Once we finished the inside tour, we were on our own for the outside.  There were gardens and kitchens and stables and a vista in all directions.  We could have stayed there delving into the history of the house and man for hours – but alas we had miles to go before home.

As we left, I took a photo of the house as you first see it, as you would have seen it from the entrance gates in the 1700’s when the Washingtons entertained and lived there.  MV.2 12-15

We headed reluctantly back up I-95, tangled with all the expressways and ramps and bridges and beltways and I was sincerely just praying for the RAPTURE so I could just let go of the wheel and be out of that mess!  Finally, the sign for I-70 popped up, and some of the tension drained from me as we headed toward home and the Pennsylvania turnpike.  We never did find a place to stop for dinner, so we ate cold, left-over pizza from Monday’s lunch and chips from a quick-mart when we got gas for the car.

We had a wonderful trip, with history and Christmas all around, learning and laughing and looking at so many amazing things!  VERY thankful to my FAVORITE sister for being such a great traveling companion, friend, and program director – in addition to praying me around the beltway!  I can’t wait for our next adventure –  Love you, Sis!  And by the way –  Happy Birthday!  (12/29) Hats  10-15Couldn’t have asked for a better sibling! I’m proud and honored to be able to look up to my baby sister!  God bless!

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