Christmas Eve 2015

It has NOT been a quiet day, but it was fun and productive none the less.  After all the slow weeks that seemed to creep by, suddenly it’s Christmas Eve.  The gifts are bought and wrapped, food is prepared and ready for the family dinner tomorrow, and the moon is just about as full and as bright  as it could be.
Christmas Eve 2015
I had my little girls most of the day, and they were very good despite the excitement of anticipation.  Chrissy tried to teach me to play poker with my Peanuts Christmas cards, but gave up pretty quick.  🙁  I don’t blame her – I was totally lost….
It has been a whirlwind since Thanksgiving, decorating the house, baking cookies, shopping, working, wrapping, working, cleaning, working…. Did I say working?  It seems to consume more of me every year.  I’m looking forward to June and possibly a cut-back in some hours, going part time.  Is it an allusive dream?  I’m hoping NOT!
The first weekend in December found my sister and I headed to Colonial Williamsburg for the Grand Illumination.  It would take PAGES to talk about that trip, but some highlights were having lunch at Chowning’s Tavern with George and Martha Washington, Ghost tours after dark, Williamsburg Christmases through the years, Fireworks at the Capitol building, a bell choir by the ice rink (it was out of a Hallmark movie – so quaint!), and early morning walks down Duke of Gloucester street.  It was surreal.  Tuesday morning we headed toward home with a morning visit to Mt. Vernon.  I have to say that I need a tee shirt that says “I survived the beltway around D.C.” !  I was praying for the rapture so I could get OFF that thing!  But it was worth it, as Washington’s family home was fascinating.
Everyone has been so busy, and I felt like I just grabbed tidbits of information from everyone as I flew through the Advent season.  We had some Hempfield church girls for a dinner at Kathy’s, then the Skunk Hollow Girls got together for our craft and food fest.  Two Christmas parties:  Smail’s and Pinnacle’s.  People are amazing to watch, don’t you think???
I have been hooked on Hallmark Christmas movies, and I’m not sure what I’ll do with myself once January comes.  I am not a TV person, but for some reason December changes my focus.
Last Saturday Kath and I took an impromptu trip to see the Aunts (Home, PA) and it was definitely going ‘Home’ again.  We are so blessed to have such a special family!
So now it’s here.  The kids are too excited to sleep, parents are exhausted, GRANDPARENTS are trying to figure out how in the world they ever DID it back when our kids were little!  After Christmas Eve service at church we had dinner at Kathy’s, then I came home, changed into fleece PJ’s, and walked around the block at 11pm to see the Christmas lights. Christmas Eve.2 2015 It was warm and calm and bright and a blessing to my soul. Church was a little piece of heaven come down, sitting in the ‘Steiner’ row, listening to talented singers and musicians, singing familiar carols.  A little piece of peace to carry in my heart and mind all through the year.
Christmas Eve.1 2015
I hope that as you hustle and bustle through the next week, and then jump into 2016 with both feet, you take time to reflect on the things and people that mean the most to you, and that you realize that the little blessings are the biggest of all, and if you have good friends, faith, and family you have everything and can get though each day. I think the popular saying is something like ‘It’s not about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning to dance in the rain.’  So, start dancing! 
So glad I can count all of you as friends and family, and am sending wishes for a beautiful Christmas and a healthy and blessed 2016.
Love from Wren Drive — M 
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