Dillweed weekend


Dillweed.3 9-15  (First let me explain that we call ourselves the Skunk Hollow Girls – simply because the area where we all ‘grew up’ was nicknamed Skunk Hollow (because of the skunk cabbage, not because of skunks!) and it consists of all the female cousins of my grandparents, Erma and Jess Crooks.) 

SO I’m guessing that most people – when thinking of an ideal weekend – do NOT immediately think of Skunks or Dillweed.

Ah, but how wrong they would be!  For the past dozen or more years, 10 cousins from Home, PA, get together several times a year to just…. get together!  We have had bonfires in the driveway, Christmas parties at Carbone’s restaurant, toured a castle, spent a day at Linn Run …. just to name a few.

But one of the most fun events is our yearly trip to Dilltown, PA – and a quaint, charming Bed and Breakfast called the Dillweed.  The rooms are named after herbs:  Parsley, Thyme, Rosemary, Sage, and the Garden Suite.  The gift shop has a wealth of treasures, and the breakfasts (especially the Scottish eggs) are fabulous!  But the most fun is hanging out in the parlor, eating ourselves into another pants size, and talking until we can’t keep our eyes open.

We have been going to the Dillweed as a group since 2008.  It’s one of the highlights of our year and one of the first things on the calendar.2008-10-05 013 This photo is of that first year – 8 of us went.


Last year, shortly after our weekend, the founder and owner of the Dillweed passed away from cancer – how we miss her!  This year, we were directed to the back herb and flower gardens to find a memorial plaque, and bricks placed about the gardens with the fruits of the Spirit from the Bible.  Dillweed.2 9-15 I snapped the picture of ‘joy’ which seemed so appropriate – but I was admonished that I SHOULD have taken the photo of self-control.  Whatever are they trying to SAY???? 🙂 

Dillweed 9-15

I can’t even begin to describe how precious these girls are to me (including Holly who was absent this year) and what a special bond we have created – and no better place to enjoy our time together than the Dillweed Bed and Breakfast.  Check them out on the web – they have a huge Christmas Open House in November (14th and 15th) – and the theme is ‘angels’ in honor of Cynthia. 

Love you girls!!! 

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