This will be a short post – I spent the evening in the emergency room. When I got up this morning I had an enormous bruise on my right side. I knew it was from the heavy coughing but it…
This will be a short post – I spent the evening in the emergency room. When I got up this morning I had an enormous bruise on my right side. I knew it was from the heavy coughing but it…
Today would have been my dad’s birthday! He would have been 96, which I can’t image my dad being that old. I had to get gas in the car so when I went over town I drove past his banner…
The answer to yesterday’s joke is: Because he took a few days off! Today is Dave Bath’s birthday – he’s like my second son! He is currently Nathan’s business partner at B&B Windows. Happy birthday, Dave! Hope you have a…
A little improvement, finally! I did get some sleep last night. I woke up several times but could get right back to sleep. That was a blessing. Also the doctor’s office called and my Chest X-Ray was all clear. So…
This post is going to be a bit on the dry and boring side today. Another night of no sleep – I think it’s was close to 5am when I finally drifted off and was up at 7 when the…
I just called my doctor’s office – the first thing they made me do was a COVID test – which was clearly brightly negative. So that’s ruled out. Now they are going to take that news, plus my symptoms, and…
Out of the lowkey non-exciting weekend came a busy day! This post will be about a morning of decisions, and afternoon of parties, and a preview of tomorrow’s post. But first I had a cup of the tea Gen brought…
Today is Karen Walker Ober’s birthday (Skunk Hollow Cousin). Sending a huge birthday wish to Karen out in Mt. Joy, PA! Love you! I didn’t sleep last night and I’m still coughing, but since this is a measured med pack…
Ahhh man. I am a crazy cough-er. I did get meds from the doctor, but it’s one of those packs that you start before breakfast and take so many a day until they are gone. So since I just got…
First, if you have been following Tonia’s health journey this past month, you know that her surgery was scheduled – and indeed did take place – today. It was to begin at 7am, and was expected to be long and…
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