I know we are supposed to get extra sleep when we turn our clocks back, but I was pretty tired last night and went to bed at 9:45pm. Which actually was 8:45pm! I was wide awake at 5:30am, which was 6:30am and not that extraordinary. So now I am running out of steam again but determined to stick it out.
Sunday School went well; JJ was not feeling well so Courtney stayed home with him. We scooped up her class and brought them into ours. Gracie put a big puzzle together and was excited at the size. We had two extra students but they blended well with the smaller kids and helped them with projects.
Todd completed his sermon series on Anxiety. What is draining your thoughts? The idea is to not clear your mind of fear and anxiety, but fill it with with whatever is valuable and good and worthy (Philippians 4:8). Focus on feeding good thoughts – because you put ‘garbage in’ and ‘garbage’ takes over. Fill your mind with God’s word. Remember this: C – celebrate God’s goodness. A – ask God for help. L – list things you are grateful for. M – meditate on what is good in your life (Scripture). Celebrate the valuable!
I had a small grocery list that I have been putting aside since Thursday afternoon. So I stopped at Aldi, and unfortunately did not find many items there I needed. Popped into Walmart and got most of everything else. I was excited to find a few items on my ‘Christmas necessity’ list: Holiday M&M’s, JOY Oreos, and Holiday shaped Utz pretzels. Those are for making chocolate covered pretzels.
It’s about 5:40 and is already pitch black. Feels like it’s already time to finish up for the night! But I’ll finish up a few chores for the evening, including a word search from a current newsletter! Mom loved word searches.
TOMORROW November 6th is:
Job Action Day; Color the World Orange Day; National Nachos Day; National Saxophone Day.
Orange is OK on leaves, or nachos! Happy new week – and God bless…
Got up just a little early this morning to get a few things done before leaving for Hanna’s Town. I was greeted by a beautiful sunrise! My friend Tom posted a beautiful one, as well. Beautiful fall day at Hanna’s Town, too!
Tom’s postHanna’s Tavern
Priscilla and I arrived at the same time, and set about putting the huge stock pots of water on to boil. We kept them going all day as we were serving tea all day! Louise was our early morning tea hostess and set about putting the tea together with Roxann.
Louise and Thelma (NOT of the famous Thelma and Louise duo…)
Becky and Roxann did a wonderful job making everything look festive for fall.
The little honey bear and the tea towel were the table prizes – one winner at each table.The fresh rosemary in the vases made everything smell so fresh!Tussy Mussy
So many people spent countless hours baking and creating the best of the best for our guests.
Cranberry mini muffins with whipped cream cheeseCookie plate -mini gingerbread boys, iced pumpkin cookies, Hanna’s Town Hermit Cookies, Hershey Kiss acornsFruit compoteOrange cream scones, cheese and sugar frosted grapesMuffins, pimento cheese sandwich triangles, ham on rye, and chicken salad croissants.
Our volunteer staff worked hard all day – from 9am until after 4pm. They did a great job!
Table setupJanice and BeckyPriscilla, Roxann, me, Kathy, CarolOur servers – Janice, Carol, Kathy, Marilyn Louise
So glad to have another successful event under our belt. Keep your hears and eyes open for what’s next.
TOMORROW November 5th is:
World Tsunami Awareness Day; National Love Your Red Hair Day; National Donut Day; Daylight Saving Time Ends.
Donuts would be fun. And yea for an extra hour of sleep. It will take a bit of getting used to – having the evening be so much shorter. Enjoy! God bless…
I was up early, stopped and got the milk for tomorrow’s tea, and was the first worker to arrive for set up. We got started right away on the prep, putting table clothes, napkins, and place settings out.
Getting the kitchen organizedShelves are cleared and readyTables are set
The flower ladies were doing a fabulous job on the decorations. They weren’t done yet when I left, so I’ll have better pictures tomorrow. We all have our instruction and know exactly what our responsibilities are!
Autmn and Cameron were here when I got home. Her appointment went well and they were pleased with the results. It had meant an early start for her, and she only got a few hours of sleep. So I ate some cauliflower and ranch dressing, then I took Cameron and let Autmn nap. He’s really a good baby, but now and again he gets tummy stress and can be fussy. I fed him and held him and burped him and sang to him and just let him sleep. He even napped in the pack ‘n’ play for a while.
Cameron napping
Once Autmn was awake and had eaten a good lunch I changed clothes and went outside to work in the yard. The leaves needed done, and I wanted to get at least some of them bagged. Noah came early, and he helped me rake and bag. That was a huge help! After they left I cut the grass and mulched what leaves were left. Now the yard looks nice – for a few days, anyway!
Leaves raked and bagged – Thanks Noah!Grass cut – How did that leaf get there???
This is such a comfort!
TOMORROW November 4th is:
National Play Outside Day; National Bison Day; National Candy Day (Shouldn’t that have been Halloween??); National Chicken Lady Day. (?)
Semi-annual Hanna’s Town Victorian Tea! And that’s enough for me! And anyway, I played outside today! God bless…
It was cold this morning but no snow. And the sun was shining so it felt warmer than it was. I did title work for Greg P’s newest purchase, and when I finished up he sat and talked for over an hour. We covered a lot of subjects – from years past and for current times. It was one of my favorite days in a long time – (ONE of them – I have so many wonderful friends!!!)
Facebook photo – Greg
Since Joe is away, I stuck around the Greensburg store while Ken and Mike took a car to the shop. As luck would have it, we got a customer. He was very nice and we chatted until Ken got back. I hope he liked the car!
I just finally walked in the door when Autmn txt to come up for the afternoon. So I grabbed a piece of leftover pizza and headed out the door. We had a nice afternoon. I was going to clean up leaves but it was still a bit chilly, so I opted to make Cinnamon Rolls for Peyton’s birthday. I’ll have to freeze them as I won’t see him for a week or so. But that’s done.
Just out of the ovenIced and in the freezer
I got some Cameron time and a bit of history – Autmn was watching THE CROWN and she fills me in on all the details that I didn’t see. We had the fireplace heater on and it was cozy in here.
Autmn watching THE CROWN and Cameron sleeping
November’s calendar page in Jeannette – I could spend some time there! (At the lake, not at Pinnacle!!) Looks so relaxing.
TOMORROW November 3rd is:
One Health Day; World Jellyfish Day; National Jersey Friday; National Housewife’s Day; National Sandwich Day.
Peyton’s 18th birthday! Also set up for the Victorian tea at Hanna’s Town. Maybe I’ll have a sandwich for lunch. And it’s Friday. So enjoy. God bless…
Today was cleaning day – and a few chores – and it took me all day. I still have some bills to pay so I’m just going to do a fun post of snow scenes that I pirated from Facebook! I was very glad to be inside – no only for the snow but because it was VERY cold and windy today. I’m not a fan… (PS – my neighbor cut his grass about 10am…)
Pittsburgh area weather
So here are a variety a pictures and places from all over. Not much accumulation except for Albion – which doesn’t surprise me at all!
Allen – Home PAByron – Albion PAAbby – Albion PACarolyn – Ligonier PABobbie – Albion PAPam – Erie PATracie – Hunker PAShelby – Kittanning area PATodd – Greensburg PAOn Air Kristen – Q92.9 Pgh (New Kensington Area)Augie – Sioux City Railroad MuseaumGayle – New Alex, PAPatty – Bruceton Mills WVSnoopy – via FacebookJennifer – Punxsutawney PAMy back yard when I got up.Front yard after breakfast
While I cleaned I had Hallmark on in the background. I listened to CHRISTMAS SHE WROTE; A VERY MERRY MIX-UP; CHRISTMAS UNDER WRAPS. All oldies but fun!
A Very Merry Mix-UpChristmas She WroteChristmas Under Wraps
TOMORROW November 2nd is:
International DOGE Day (Do Only Good Everyday); All Souls Day; National Cash Back Day; National Ohio Day; National Men Make Dinner Day; National Broadcast Traffic Professional’s Day; National Deviled Egg Day.
DOGE day is a great idea! We should always strive toward that. I’ll take cash back any day, in Ohio or any state. Logan and Autmn love deviled eggs! Have a great day… God bless.
It was very cold – deep frost everywhere – when I left the house for work, which went much better today and I was done in good time. The only customer the dealership had was this deer, who couldn’t get financed so he took off through the woods…
When I got home it was before lunch, so I changed clothes and went to the bottom yard and dug up all the mushrooms. I feel better about how it looks, but I’m sure I didn’t get the roots. Turns out my neighbor has a bunch in his yard now —
Yard full of MushroomsAll clearKen’s yard
This is my sincere pumpkin from my pumpkin patch – well, actually it’s not really mine…
But it’s very sincereAnd this is my sincere rabbit…
I went down and got Autmn and Cameron after I cleaned up the mushrooms. The sun was shining on a small patch of yellow trees on the hill. It looked so pretty…
Mt. Pleasant
Cameron and I had some snuggle time while Autmn was eating. He was wrapped up in his blanket with just a diaper on – and it was so sweet! Sigh…
Aren’t those little arms so cute???
Cameron took time to eat before going trick or treating. Then the gang got here and off they went…
Noah, Cameron and AutmnCameron snuggled in warm and comfyMotorcycle Cameron – losing his sock!Noah (King Tut), Autmn and Cam, Penny, Summer and her boyfriend
I can see the fire trucks patrolling from where I’m sitting. They have their flashing lights on and the big spot lights. It’s nice to know they are keeping our kids and grandkids (and great grandkids!) safe.
TOMORROW November 1st is:
Prime Meridian Day; Day of the Dead; All Saints Day; Autistics Speaking Day; National Biologic Coordinators Day; World Vegan Day; National Cinnamon Day; National Calzone Day; National Stress Awareness Day; National Brush (Teeth) Day; National Deep Fried Clams Day; National Cook For Your Pets Day; National Family Literacy Day; National Author’s Day; National Vinegar Day.
Wow – a lot to choose from. I’ll celebrate Author’s day and that’s enough for me! Have a wonderful November. God bless…
Here we are with only one more day in October, one of my least favorite days of the year. I will turn off the lights and hide away in the basement family room! I did trunk or treat so I already contributed to the demise of healthy teeth in Hempfield Township’s younger population.
Seems like once we hit November everything turns up a notch and life increasingly gets crazy. I am slowly but surely adding things to the calendar.
Always a busy two months….
Amazingly I found Ghoul M&M’s at Ollies so after lunch I made chocolate chip M&M cookies. I am always so disappointed in my chocolate chip cookies. They always turn out flat as a pancake. Someday I’m going to conquer this cookie monster (see what I did there?) and my cookies will be note-worthy!
started out ok…flat as a pancake – the the M&M’s disappeared!
This is primarily going to be a fall post. I am not generally a fan of fall. It takes away my lovely summer, with bare feet, shorts, flower gardens, no jackets, longer evenings, outside events, bright skies, and sleeping with the windows open.
I dislike the bare, gray trees, dead plants, brown grass, dull rainy days, and cooler temps. But somehow this year has been different. The colors have been vibrant oranges and yellows, red and burgundy. Even the bare branches seem to lift their limbs into the sky, praising and swaying to some unknown song in the wind.
There have never been so many scatterings of leaves clustered on the main roads, intersections, and parking lots. It’s like the Great Designer has turned His focus on all the little, unnoticed nooks and crannies. Everywhere I turn there are bright trees dotting the hillsides, or the neighborhood yards, or the distant mountains, or lining back roads.
The wind blows, and the rain pours, but the leaves cling. At least enough of them to paint the landscape in bright designs. And there are more leaves still on the trees than not. Even in my front yard, though the ground is blanketed in yellows and browns, the Silver Maples above are still full of green and yellow. I need to keep after them – but I will respect the weather and wait for a warmer sunny day.
Leaves on the trees; on the road, mixed with bare branches.
Every day I drive through town, or out of town, and see the new arrangements of color and pattern. I cannot remember a year that has been so awe-inspiring. I have always felt that come fall, the wind blows, the storms come, and the vibrancy is gone with the wind. This year it lingers, and glimmers, and draws the eyes to every tree and branch and limb and leaf.
Maybe it’s because I am in the fall of life. I am trying to take inspiration from the beauty of the season, knowing that leaving the summer behind and moving toward the winter of life does not mean the end of life. It means that I can share beauty and inspiration to those around – that I have time to slow down and take the changes a little bit at a time, and each change inspires in a different way and provides delight and comfort to those who see the colors. I need to focus on the beauty and inspiration and blessings that are around me and be the best part of the best displays and to give with both hands, arms raised to the sky and feet firmly planted.
I may just love fall, after all! Here are some pictures that inspired me today!
leaves everywhere!Front yard – a blanket of leavesLots on the ground; lots on the treesMy neighbor’s red heart bushTeresa watered my mum’s – they really perked up!
TOMORROW October 31st is:
National Doorbell Day; Reformation Day; Girl Scout Founder’s Day; National Magic Day; National Knock-Knock Joke Day; National Caramel Apple Day; Halloween.
I’ll watch for the Great Pumpkin – I have very sincere pumpkins (see photo of mums). I also have a doorbell. Not good with jokes. Bud was the king of jokes! I still miss him… Have a lovely Halloween – hope you enjoy the day and aren’t hiding away like me!! God bless…
Today has been a repeat of yesterday – cold, rainy, cloudy. A good day to be inside and eat soup! Last night I did get the potato soup made, and I’m planning on having that for supper in a bit.
Autmn just txt me and asked me what songs I sing to Cameron. I gave her a list, and she said he likes Mockingbird Hill. I didn’t ask if she’s singing to him or if she found them on YouTube! He also likes Mairzy Doats. I looked that one up and The Three Stooges sing it!
Sunday School was a little wild. Max’s cousins were in for the weekend, and they can get loud and wild! They did listen very well to the lesson and also did their crafts. We finished up the Noah lessons and Mary had them make rain hats. Not sure how I managed, but they all lined up and I took their pictures with their ‘rain’ hats! Jackson put a huge floor puzzle together in good time and was very proud of himself!
Max, Jack, Josie, Jackson, Cody. You can see the ‘raindrops’ on Josie, Jackson, and Cody’s hats. Max and Jack didn’t want them…Jackson loves puzzles, and is very good at them.
Todd’s message this morning was the third in a series on Anxiety. They have really been helping me focus on things that I get unnecessarily stressed over. Here are some key points: Comparison drives anxiety (social media); all is not as it appears. Anxiety goes down as thanksgiving goes up. We should celebrate who God is, and ask for help. Focus on what you have, not what you don’t have. It changes your perspective. GRACE is something you receive. JOY is what you experience. GRATITUDE is what we give back. Here is the key thought.
About 3pm I drove down to Norwin (I’m spending a lot of time going to Norwin!). Kelly was looking for something specific from the Dollar Tree that her stores didn’t carry. So I checked the two in Norwin – they had half of what she needed. But I was picking Teresa up from her long weekend in Virginia so I was already down there. She had a great time and had great weather (unlike us!). She brought me back a shadow box of Christ Church where General (President) Washington attend when we was in town. What a lovely gift!
Thank you Teresa!
I had a cup of hot tea and a cookie for a mid-afternoon break. Watching (or listening to) Hallmark Christmas movies!
Notice the pillow on the chair behind the cup. Ties in with Todd’s sermon!
TOMORROW October 30th is:
National Wicked Day; World Audio Drama Day; National Publicist Day; Speak up for Service Day; National Candy Corn Day.
Not a fan of candy corn – but I love AJ/UC’s home grown corn. Have a lovely week. God bless…
Since I posted last night before I went for Chrissy here are a few pictures when I went to get her. She was leaving the football game at half time to help Jen at her Cash Bash at Lakeview. I got to the school with no issues but there were no parking spots anywhere. I drove around the lots several times until finally a truck pulled out right across from Hempfield buses. That was great because I knew Chris would know where they were parked and could find me. I was right across from the band instrument transport and she walked right to me.
Spartan band – and football buses
From there I dropped her off at Lakeview, but walked in to let Nate know we managed fine. There were several people there I knew, including Noah, Autmn and Cameron. So I got my baby fix! They also had photo ops set up, and we took a few pics of Nate and Jen, and Nate and I. The place was crowded and there was a lot going on! I’m sure -as in the past- the event was wildly successful. (Nate just confirmed that is was!)
Halloween tree – blinked purple and orangeNate and Jen and … a friend.Nate and JenA mom and her son.
This morning I did my normal Saturday morning chores, then made cinnamon streusel muffins with chocolate chips. The plan was to meet Kathy’s group at the bottom of Willow Crossing Road so I could follow them, and I’m really glad I did. The farm where the party was held was in the middle of nowhere! And I think Paul took us on every back road between here and the farm, including through Vancouver British Columbia. When we finally pulled in I wondered how in the world Sarah ever found this place!
Wyatt’s second birthday
But it was great! It was Autumn Ridge Farms, and they had so many fun things, especially for kids. In addition to Wyatt and his sister Millie, there was Addie and Conrad and Thea, then a bunch of adults.
Wyatt – the birthday boy.Addy, Conrad, Millie, and TheaYou can see why they named it Autumn Ridge – The ridge certainly is dressed for autumn!Event barnLots of mini pumpkins to decorate with
Despite the back twisty roads we were there early, and helped Sarah and Kyle decorate for the party. They had pizza and snacks and even a hot cocoa bar. And Oreo Ice Cream cake to sing with.
There were lots of animals – some of which the kids could pet and even feed – and Wyatt loved the barn. He didn’t want to do anything else, including eat!
Wyatt, Thea, Kathy watching the one week old calf being bottle fed.Momma cowLong hair calfHe loved attentionOne of two beautiful horsesDonkeysPony and goat munching togetherThea with the kittenHerd of cows
The photo ops were wonderful, and although I didn’t get my picture taken, I did get a lot of pictures. The kids had a ball climbing around and playing with everything. I can see why they call it Autumn Ridge Farms.
Popular place for family photos – in the greenhouse.Ridge in the distanceThe kids loved the truckWagon with a viewPumpkinsNeighboring farmFields and fields of sunflowersWe were encouraged to cut as many sunflowers as we wanted – the frost next week will kill them all. We all brought some home.
I helped clean up and was putting the balloons in Sarah’s car. Paul snapped a picture. I felt like Gonzo on the Muppet Movie. Waiting to lift into the air from the balloons! Just as we were leaving it started to rain, and it’s a steady downpour right now. I’m glad we are all home, inside, and dry.
Up, up and away!Rain
There was a little black and white kitty at the farm!
TOMORROW October 29th is:
World Stroke day; National Oatmeal Day; National Hermit Day; National Cat Day.
I will have oatmeal for breakfast before church – but no cats. We’ll see what exciting thing I can get into tomorrow! God bless…
After breakfast this morning I drove down to Irwin and scoped out Norwin High School. I wanted to be able to see which roads took me in and which was the easiest. From there I popped into Walmart and got a few fun things for Cameron to play with while he’s here. He seems so alert to his surroundings and I want him to be aware.
I love the rubber duckie!
I stopped at Mike P’s to help him with something. Renee changed the bench display and it looks fall-festive!
I had an apple and caramel dip for lunch, then tackled the front yard. It took a while because it was windy and the leaves blew every which way. But I did get it cleaned up.
All cleaned up.My neighbor Mr. G donated a dozen leaf bags to my cause. Thanks, Bill!!!
Where did all these mushrooms come from? Ugh!
They look like potatoes…This one looks like a space ship
Here are a few pictures of the sunrise on the Potomac River in Virginia that Teresa posted.
The ironing is done and the clothes ready to put away. I will go down to pick up Chrissy at Norwin school at about 8pm. Then my daily obligations will be over! I was going to make potato soup but the leaves took longer than planned – so I will work on that tomorrow!
Maybe tomorrow.
TOMORROW October 28th is:
National First Responders Day; National Trick or Treat Day; National Internal Medicine Day; National Chocolate Day; National Make a Difference day.
I just had some of my chocolate covered peanuts from Smicksburg. I’ll have more tomorrow. No Trick or Treat for me! Thank and respect your first responders. They sacrifice every day. God bless…
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