December 3, 2023

Cloudy, rainy day – but the sun peeked out a few times. There was a partial rainbow this afternoon after the play, but I didn’t even get a picture of it! We had Cody and Jackson in class this morning as Max was away. I left after Sunday School as I was meeting Diane to go to a play in Butler.

Stock image

I had a few minutes extra until I had to meet Diane, so I popped into Goodwill. I found a little warm sleeper for Cameron. So now we should have enough to get through the next few weeks at least!


We stopped at Valley Dairy on the way up. I had a burger and sweet potato fries. This was the 3rd time in 5 days I ate out. THAT is amazing to me!


The play was The Last Mass at St. Casimir’s. The actors were very talented and did a great job, but it wasn’t my type of humor. I will say, however, that the ending was very good. To quote the program – play is a ‘look at family…their quirks…disagreements…tribulations…love for each other.’

The set
Shannon and Diane – not sure what Di was looking at!

Took a picture on the way home of a farm’s Christmas decorations. They were created from stacked hay bales!

Santa, Santa’s chair, the Claus house!

Shannon had a Williamsburg guide book and a map for me. And when I got home Ginny had left another piece of pottery on my porch from Williamsburg. Such sweet friends I have!

Unique pottery piece
Guidebook and map


How Scripture Can Help You Sleep Better – Abide



TOMORROW December 4th is:

Santa’s List Day; Cabernet Franc Day; International Cheetah Day; Wildlife Conservation Day; National Sock Day; National Dice Day; National Cookie Day.

I already made my list for Santa – and do you know what was on it? Socks! Ha! As for cookies, Kelly is coming up on Tuesday/Wednesday and we are planning on a cookie day. I’ll celebrate then. God bless…

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December 2, 2023

So what I didn’t have time to post last night was the end of my visit with Autmn and Cameron, and ‘Aunt Summer’. She loves her little nephew! She was changing his diaper, and being a boy, he peed — on his own face, even in his ear! So we put a beach towel in the laundry tub for comfort and gave him a quick bath.

Who has me NOW??
Aunt Summer with Cameron
Sleeping when I left
Cow butt
All cleaned up!

The girls dressed alike and didn’t even realize. They look so cute!

Autmn, Summer and Cameron

I left them home and went to the civic center to usher for the play. They were sold out again, so we were busy. Took time after the show started to get a picture of Bear and me. He even bought me a Coke. I think we’re engaged now. JUST KIDDING. I’m not accepting proposals, and he has a very long-time significant other. We’ve just known each other since the mid-80’s! I only get to see him when I usher.

Me and Bear

My day today started with a phone call from Gen in New York. She had some things she wanted to share with me, and needed a supportive ear. We chatted for half an hour and it was a good visit. I miss her coming down as often!


Shower, breakfast, a little ironing, and then Kathy and Paul picked me up for our camp adventure. Nadine (the camp cook) made a wonderful lunch of pork roast, chicken, mashed potatoes, stuffing, roasted veggies, fresh rolls, and dessert. The decorations were lovely, too.

Camp tree
Fireplace, complete with stockings – by the second tree

Got to catch up with some long-time friends.

Greg and Lynn
John and Gwen – she writes the daily devotions I get every morning. Known her a very long time!
Gregg Voss – camp director
Notice his nativity tie!
Lynn, Faith, Kath, and me
Lynn, Faith, Kath

The entertainment was a very talented auto-harp player and singer. She had a great voice and chose very unique songs. Near the end we joined her in singing carols. It was a very fun day!

Amy Clark from Waterford church
Amy had help with a few bell-ringers


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TOP 25 SINGING QUOTES (of 1000) | A-Z Quotes

TOMORROW December 3rd is:

National Roof Over Your Head Day; International Day of Persons With Disabilities.

I LOVE the roof over my head and am thankful for it every single day! God bless…

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December 1, 2023

I made a list first thing this morning. So far, I’ve only crossed 3 things off the list!! But I still have a few hours to go before leaving to usher again. I was able to snap a quick picture of the cast before they went back stage last night.

That’s a lot of kids!

After breakfast I went down to L&L Fleatique. Tomorrow is their big Holiday Open House, but since I will be at the camp luncheon I won’t be here to go. So I walked around down there for an hour. So many cool things, and so many of them Christmas! Lots of them brought back memories, and some of them I already have. Peanuts items are really high ticket items!

Their vintage tree
I bet Peyton could make these.

Summer stopped down here to spend some time with Autmn and Cameron. It’s fun to hear the girls talking. Cameron is napping in his little pack n play and the girls are watching a movie.

Summer with Cameron; Autmn

I don’t think I’ve seen one peep out of the sun all day! It’s been cloudy and dreary and rainy, and I’m glad to be inside. Again, I dislike having to go back outside once it gets colder and is dark. But I’ll usher, because I promised!

a plane is flying in the cloudy sky
Stock image – cloudy day

Sir Rege finally sent me a picture of the beach. I assumed he would send me a picture of him sitting on the beach. Not so…

Where oh were is Sir Regis???

Good news! Christina was awarded a nice scholarship to Point Park University. Well deserved! So proud of her hard work, dedication, and talent!

Happy Christina!


Bible Verses About God's Hand


TOMORROW December 2nd is:

National Play Outside Day; National Fritters Day; Skywarn Recognition Day; National Mutt Day; National Special Education Day.

I have a feeling playing outside tomorrow will be uncomfortable! I’ll stick with the Camp luncheon and just getting my work done inside. God bless…

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November 30, 2023

The morning sunshine cast shadows on the blind this morning. Love my little Peanuts guys!

Just as I pulled into Jeannette this morning I got a txt that there were no deals and I didn’t need to come down. Since I was already there I ran in and checked on Barry. He’s still feeling pretty lousy. There’s no one to cover for him if he leaves…


So I drove up to Greensburg, and just as I pulled in I got a txt that there were no deals and I didn’t need to come in! Since I was already there I ran in to check on Joe, who was also sick. Probably a good thing I didn’t have to work, as I don’t need them to share that with me!

When I left for work, my neighbor was mowing his lawn, despite the snowy patches still on the grass…

Far right bottom corner…

I popped into the bank (which was super busy – took me half an hour to cash a check!), then dropped in at the mall. I was in the mood for Barbara Ann’s Country store. I was looking for a matching coaster for my hot pad. We had a tough time, because the one that is supposed to match obviously does not. I did purchase it, but I feel like someone at that company is color blind and short sighted! It still looks nice.

Left one has white snow on trees and snow on the ground. Right one has gray snow on trees and none on the ground.

After a quick lunch of grilled cheese I mixed up a batch of cinnamon rolls. I always make a mess when I bake these days. I just cleaned the kitchen yesterday but had to do it again.

Yesterday morning I had breakfast at Bob Evans with my former neighbor Ginny. Her friend Joann is cleaning out their house because they are moving to California and was giving things away. Ginny knew I like all things Williamsburg so she scarfed these up to share with me! I’m very excited to have them, especially the candle holder. It’s my favorite.

My friend Ginny
Sugar Bowl
Candle holder

Jen sent me a picture of Christina. She got braces yesterday. It will be a little discomfort but expecting beautiful results! She’s beautiful already!

Chrissy with braces

Tomorrow being December first, I will pay bills, change the wooden Snoopy calendar, and pick up Autmn and Cameron for a few hours’ visit in the afternoon. Gotta get my baby fix!

Old one….


Bible Verse Images for: Hard work



TOMORROW December 1st is:

National Pie Day; Antarctica Day; National Bartender Day; National Eat a Red Apple Day; Faux Fur Friday; World Aids Day; Rosa Parks Day; Day Without Art.

Celebrate! God bless…

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November 29, 2023

Today’s post is a little different. I’ll catch up on everyday events tomorrow! One of which is that even the horses on the hill are bundled up!

Red and blue coats!

I have heard it said that things that come easy are not appreciated as much as those you work hard for, or have to go through trials to accomplish. I think quite possibly that is my sentiments on my Christmas adventure this past week. It seemed so much more difficult and labor intensive this year to dress the house in its Christmas finery.

They love hanging out with me!

The bins and boxes seemed heavier and less organized than other years. The garage felt colder and the house smaller; where did all this stuff GO? I carried treasures throughout the house, placing and replacing and moving them around, again and again. Sometimes two or three days later I would be struck with an idea, and rearrange one item after another.


But the end result (maybe not the end YET!!??) is that every little item that I placed, every ornament that I hung up, every set of lights that I strung, every strand of tinsel that I draped on the tree branches, and every holiday Snoopy that I carried around from place to place, now speak volumes. Every little item draws my eyes to it, and I find delight in all of it. Every last piece. Even the window stickees seem to be in the perfect place. This morning I walked into the living room and smiled at the Williamsburg tree that I struggled with yesterday as it seemed so scrawny as I put it together. And when I get to writing out Christmas cards, it will be like Bing Crosby sings in the Irving Berlin song: I dream… with every Christmas card I write.

Williamsburg tree

Above all else, every room has a nativity of some sort, and I am drawn to them. Maybe it’s because of baby Cameron, and how tiny he is — like baby Jesus. I think of the next few years and how every string of lights, shimmering glitter, and bright colors will excite him, and I can’t wait to watch his delight! Autmn explained to him already that every year Mimi (me) would tell him the story of baby Jesus and how important He is. And I will. UPSTAIRS Nativities:

Shadow nativity – Kitchen
Kitchen towel
This is very old…
Living room
A gift from a friend
Living room
Another gift
Living room
Mom made the figurines; neighbor built the stable. Living room
Another gift. Living room
Doll at school desk
Living room
Hand made – not by me!
Tiny one – Hallway
Snow people in Crooks room
The kids’ when they were tiny-
Crooks room
Decorative box under sleigh
Living room
I am saving these for Cameron
Crooks room
Carved wooden pieces – got at yard sale for a $1.00! Flag room
Another gift – Flag room
Bigger Peanuts set – My room
Smaller Peanuts set Living room

DOWNSTAIRS Nativities:

Even Cameron’s little bed has a nativity!
On the antique sewing machine
Downstairs bookcase
Downstairs bookcase
Ornament that Kelly made
We made this in Sunday School
On the tree
Gift from the Holy Land
Window cling on door
Another precious baby in swaddling clothes

So I will sing with the Christmas CD’s, watch the holiday movies (sappy or not), drink tea from singing mugs, eat York Peppermint Patties in the shape of snowflakes, and enjoy sharing my small, over-decorated home with family and friends. And I will be glad for the hard things, because it makes me appreciate the holy holidays so much more!

Picture 1 of 3


Luke 2:11 | Art Board Print


39,200+ Christmas Sayings Stock Photos, Pictures & Royalty ...

TOMORROW November 30th is:

National Personal Space Day; National Mississippi Day; National Mason Jar Day; National Mousse Day (at least it’s not MOUSE day!); Stay Home Because You’re Well Day; Computer Security Day.

Mason Jars have their own day? Well, ok! Tomorrow I am going to call the plumber – my drains are still gurgling! Have a happy day and may your drains all be clear. God bless…

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November 28, 2023

Jen’s Ninth Life Auction will shut down tomorrow at 8pm. I did bid on several things. Possibility I can keep on top of it and be high bidder. We will see! Just little things, because I certainly don’t need anything! While I was finishing checking on the bids, I heard my drains gurgling. I suspect they are clogged and that means a drain specialist. Haven’t had a problem for about 2 years — and that is a long time. It used to be every 8 months or so. We’ll see what happens next!

Autmn and Cameron were here all afternoon. He is such a funny baby! He was smiling and trying to make noises (other than crying!). He’s not even 2 months old and he loves to stand up and bounce! He also loves music and loves when we sing to him!

Swaddled for a nap
Working on smiles
Snoopy gives fun kisses

Autmn is working on a blanket for herself. It’s almost done. Very pretty!

In between cuddles and feedings and diaper changes I did get both trees up. I do have to put icicles on the big tree. Autmn helped me put the ornaments on. I think she enjoyed doing that, because I just let her do it however she felt inspired to do it! I also got the bins back on the shelves and the car pulled inside. Big accomplishment!

Still needs icicles
Colonial Williamsburg tree

It was in the 20’s today and very cold. There is a thin coating of snow on the grass and I’m sure there are icy patches on the roads.

There were deals at both stores this morning. I walked into Jeannette and Barry announced that he has pneumonia! They are so short handed that he can’t stay home, but other than feeling tired he didn’t feel too sick. He actually looked and sounded fine – but I’m sure he’s exhausted.


Bible Verse Images for: Healing sickness


Pin on minion

Tomorrow November 29th is:

National Package Protection Day; Electronic Greeting Day.

Tomorrow is breakfast with Ginny, my former neighbor. Then it’s home to clean the house! Have a warm and happy day! God bless…

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November 27, 2023

Thanks to everyone for being patient and waiting until today for my post! It was COLD all day – in the low to mid 30’s. And there was a wind, which made it worse. A few flurries but nothing stuck, at least not here. My friend Di is driving back all day from Wisconsin, and they got some snow there over the weekend.

Wisconsin snowfall just starting
Diane’s granddaughter Abby and Nolan – Di went out for their wedding
The McDonald’s they stopped at was very ‘mid-western’!!!
Shannon and her new friend!

BUT – I worked this morning, helped Mike P with something strange that PENNDOT ‘screwed’ up, and stopped at the bank. Came home and made a turkey pot pie. It was yummy. I had it for lunch and supper.

Pot pie – Thanksgiving turkey, noodles, gravy, and corn. Then frozen veggies and Pillsbury crusts.

I got all the boxes finished and the decorating is done except for the tree. I should be able to finish it tomorrow if work doesn’t take too long.

Christmas background and twin Snoopys
Favorite Stickees – village on the kitchen door.
Nativity stickees – Living Room
Merry Peanuts gang

Last night I watched A Biltmore Christmas on Hallmark. I thought it was really good. I need to watch it again – I pick up things I missed the first time. Right now I’m listening to A Bramble House Christmas. One of my older favorites.

By the Numbers: The Making of "A Biltmore Christmas" - Biltmore
A Bramble House Christmas - Wikipedia

Here are some pictures from Sunday School. Jackson and Cody were playing before class. Grace, our little fashionista, always looks so cute. She’s definitely a girly girl! Max wanted me to wait until next week so he could wear a tie! I said I’d take one next week, too! I asked each of them what they were thankful for. Here are their replies:

Jackson and Cody

Max: Our great church. Grace: Family. Cody: His dump truck. Jackson: Pirates. Miss Mary: Her friend Marge!!! Me: my sweet class!

My class and my friend Mary!

The extension cord is fixed/replaced – despite those wascally wabbits! Hope they leave it alone now! I still have ironing to do before I’m done with the day.

Just one of the spots.

Scripture from my Snoopy calendar:


15 Inspiring Quotes About Giving | Giving quotes ...

TOMORROW November 28th is:

National Alan Day; Red Planet Day; National Day of Giving (#GIVINGTUESDAY); National French Toast Day.

Well if your name is Alan you can certainly celebrate! And why not give to your favorite charity or organization? I signed up for a monthly donation to MY favorite charity but I doubt it will be processed tomorrow. I also doubt I’ll have French toast. Celebrate! God bless…

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November 26, 2023

I’m worn out – I worked all day yesterday and all day today after church getting boxes out. I did pace myself, but all day is all day. I think if I stuck my feet in water they would sizzle!

I will catch up on posting in the morning! (or SOMETIME tomorrow.)

TOMORROW is National Craft Jerky Day; National Bavarian Cream Pie Day, and Cyber Monday.

I have a CD I want to order online tomorrow. I hope to do that before work. OH! And today would have been Charles Schulz’s birthday! I DID celebrate that, spending some time with my Snoopys.

The Charles Shultz Philosophy |

Have a great day and God bless…

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November 25, 2023

I left the house this morning early to meet Matt in Bentleyville. He left his backpack at my place Thursday and needed it back. So halfway was good. I stopped on the way home and picked up Autmn and Cameron. He’s changing subtly each time I see him. We had fun with him and his buddy Snoopy!

Look at that pout!
My little bundle
Cam in the Snoopy stocking!
(Tight fit!)
Cameron and Mommy

At about 3pm I took A & C up to her mom’s; she only lives a mile up the road. She was spending the afternoon helping them decorate and the girls all love fussing over Cameron. I turned on the outside lights and realized that the Snoopy and the deer were not lit. I investigated and to my shock (!!!) I found that the bunnies had chewed through the wires on the extension cord! And yes, I did find out the hard way! I will stop tomorrow and get a new outdoor extension.

No lights

I was able to get a few more boxes emptied. I was surprised that I could so easily pick what I wanted to put out and what was staying tucked away. The kitchen is always the hardest. I have dozens and dozens of towels and dishes and little accessories. I got out the ones I knew I would use!

Snoopy corner
A miniature sleigh and three tiny reindeer
The nativity Mom made
My white crystal nativity
Snoopy likes to give kisses

Time to cuddle down on the couch with the poinsettia blanket and pillow and chill. I’ll attack the boxes again tomorrow!

Cozy time


Luke 2:11 Inspirational Images


Best Gift Ever Quote Baby Jesus Christian Christmas Story" Greeting Card  for Sale by CreatedByHeidi | Redbubble

TOMORROW November 26th is:

National Second Hand Sunday; National Cake Day.

Tomorrow it’s back to the boxes! I’ll be happy to get one or two done. God bless….

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November 24, 2023

It was a strange day! I did sleep well after a long, busy, but fun Thanksgiving day. I started the day – after breakfast – sorting and putting away all the fall decorations. It took a lot longer than I presumed it would, but everything is tucked away where it belongs, safe and sound.

A table full of Fall…

After a break for a snack – muffin! – I took all the Christmas boxes off of the shelves and spread them around the garage. I pretty much knew what was in each box, and am excited to start sorting things out tomorrow.

MOST of the boxes

I started today by putting up the inside lights. Got everything except the lights on the stair railing. Just ran out of energy.

Hallway and Crooks room window
Flag room window
Living room window

Tomorrow morning I have to meet Matt in Bentleyville (half-way point, more or less). He left his back pack here and will need it for the weekend. On the way back I’m going to pick up Autmn and Cameron to come and help me decorate. It will be a few years before Cameron can really ‘help’ but maybe he’ll notice the lights. One little thing after another just kept popping up!


Nate was cleaning gutters today and was next door at Mr. G’s. He took the ladder and checked out my roof – everything looks good. So I’m glad for that! My gutters have leaf guards so they are always ok.

No photo description available.
B & B Window Cleaning

I’m listening to Mystery on Mistletoe Lane – I watched it once so I can follow close enough just by listening. I’ll get supper and settle in, knowing I have a few early morning chores!

Mystery on Mistletoe Lane - Rotten Tomatoes



53 Best Thankful Quotes For Family And Friends

Tomorrow November 25th is:

National Play Day with Dad; Small Business Saturday; National Parfait Day; Shopping Reminder Day; Blasé Day.

So, it’s OK to be blasé about anything you want. Oh, and tomorrow is 1 month until Christmas Day. It’s almost here! God bless…

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