This is an unofficial post! After my usual changing/washing sheets, shower, breakfast — I got the St. Patrick’s Day decorations out. I was half-way through that when Autmn txt me that she was ready for and her Cameron to come over for a few hours. I just now took them back home, got ready to leave, and am heading out to a local school’s presentation of The Wizard of Oz. We know Glenda the Good Witch! So I will catch up with decoration pictures (Autmn finished decorating for me!) and play hi-lights tomorrow. Have a great Sunday and God bless!
I started my day (and the month of March) walking into the Pulmonary Lab at Westmoreland Hospital. The test was fairly easy, un-intimating, and fairly quick. I expect the results next week.
Window art at the hospital – sorry about the light reflection!
After testing, I stopped for groceries and was still home before 9am. Walmart was fully stocked and basically empty of people, so that’s a pretty good time to go shopping! But I am not a morning person so I don’t see it happening very often.
I jumped right into my day, having a cup of tea (I was afraid to have one before the tests because I didn’t want to interrupt with bathroom breaks!) and then mixing up bread. After the last several times attempting homemade bread I was a little intimidated, but it mixed easily and smoothly. I knew when it was baking that it would be yummy, and it was. That was supper!
Rising doughThe aroma is wonderful!
Diane sent me some thoughts from her day. One is food for thought. The other one is her granddaughter Abby and husband Nolan, and their newborn Beau. Look at the hair on this baby!
Abby with Beau, and Nolan
And just so Abby and Beau don’t outshine me, here is a picture of Cameron – he’s at Aunt Summer’s right now!
Here is the collage of Springhouse photos that I put together…
TRIVIA answer from yesterday – M*A*S*H* is Mobile Army Surgical Hospital. Today’s trivia: Quote from Miss Piggy – “Never eat more than you can lift.” Hmmmmm…..
PEANUTS Thought for the Day:
TOMORROW March 2nd is:
American Citizenship Day; International Rescue Cat Day; National Banana Cream Pie Day; National Egg McMuffin Day; National Old Stuff Day; Read Across American Day; National Play Outside Day.
Good stuff! I’ll go with the playing outside, reading across America, Egg McMuffin, and Old Stuff Day. I love old stuff! My house is full of old stuff (including me!) Happy Saturday and God bless…
I can’t say for sure, but I’m guessing it’s Kermit the Frog’s favorite day!
Even though it’s a little after 6pm and I’ve been busy all day, there’s not much excitement in my day. I worked at Jeannette, but PENNDOT was down, so I had to do my other jobs then go back to Jeannette. Mike P needed help with a few things, then I went to Greensburg. Thankfully PENNDOT was back up so I finished there in good time and went back to Jeannette.
A quick stop at Aldi, a piece of leftover pizza for lunch, then a very cold walk in the sunshine. I spent a few hours looking for pictures of Grama Crooks’ springhouse. Not sure why. I printed a few out and they are displayed in magnetic frames on the fridge. Two of my favorites
I haven’t talked to Autmn this week, so probably after my test is done tomorrow I will try to set up a visit with her and Cameron. I’m ready for some baby hugs!
Love this happy baby!
TRIVIA: Yesterday’s statement was TRUE! Today’s trivia: What does M*A*S*H* stand for? Answer tomorrow.
PEANUTS Thought for the Day:
TOMORROW March 1st is:
The first day of March! I’m going to start something new. Every day I’m going to put a ‘national’ day on the list that doesn’t exist. I’m making it up. See if you can guess which one it is. I’ll post answers the next day.
National Pig Day; National Wedding Planning Day; Peace Corps Day; Share a Smile Day; National Rubber Duckie Day; Baby Sleep Day; Denim Day for Dementia; National Dadgum That’s Good Day; National Day of Unplugging; National Dress in Blue Day; National Employee Appreciation Day; National Horse Protection Day; National Hotel Slippers Day.
The list today was LONG! This is only about a fourth of what was listed. BUT – one is not real. Good luck and God bless.
There were thunder storms during the night and early morning. These will wake everything up and get spring started. The sky was dramatic, with blue skies and white clouds and even dark gray.
Blue skiesBright clouds
I spent the day cleaning and doing some laundry. The day was basically dreary and cold and windy so I didn’t get to walk. But the dark day made my lantern glow. As I needed to pop over to Giant Eagle to pick up my prescription, I was planning on walking at the Mall or even L A Fitness. But when I walked out of the pharmacy the weather had turned horrid. It was very cold and windy and there were even little ice balls pelting everywhere. So I came home.
My lantern
Faced with how to get my exercise in, I put some CD’s in the turntable and did an aerobic dance-type workout for about 25 minutes. I’m really glad no one was around to witness THAT! But it felt good to move around a bit since I couldn’t walk outside.
My prescription was for a nasal spray. I don’t typically use that. It felt really weird and I’m glad I only need to use it once a day!
We had a group email going today – the Skunk Hollow girls are trying to organize a spring outing. That’s so exciting and I can’t wait until we have something on the calendar.
Well, let’s see what adventures I got into today. I started in Jeannette and there were several deals. I went from there to the dentist. I have to say that in recent memory this appointment had the best results ever! No warnings, no issues, no ‘we’ll watch this’, no predictions. Whew. I really like Alyssa, the hygienist, as we are fellow readers.
Dr. Lane
It was pouring rain; dark and cloudy and even thunder/lightening when I left the dentist. But by the time I got home and had lunch the sun was shining and it was 60*. I was able to take a nice walk through the neighborhood. Several fun things to see! Signs of spring…
One yard had a bed of crocuses growing – right away I knew it was time for our annual Crocus Tea! I talked to Chrissy about it and we at least picked a basic menu. I’ll check with Autmn and we’ll come up with a good day in March.
CrocusesLast year.
Yesterday I made an appointment with my PCP, Dr. Cole. I had a few issues I wanted to discuss with him and he thought it worthy of an appointment. The tree in their waiting room – as always – was decorated for the upcoming holiday! He heard me out, made some comments and recommendations, and set up a medical test for Friday morning.
Shamrock tree in Dr. Cole’s office.
I stopped at Walmart for one purpose – I had a small frying pan that needed replaced several years ago. I did purchase another one at Ikea in 2020 but it was bigger. Although I love the newer one I needed a smaller one. I found one that I liked, and this time I threw the old one (that sticks ALL THE TIME AND BURNS EVERYTHING) in the trash.
On pan – everything sticks!New pan
On my way to the checkout I found a clearance table of slippers – so I bought a cute pair to add to my collection. I wear slippers every day so it was a great idea.
Cozy slippers
Nate and Chrissy came over to get a license application notarized for Jen, so now I can get to posting this. As you can see, there wasn’t a lot of ‘adventure’ to my day! But….
TRIVIA – answer from yesterday: apparent. Today’s trivia: “I can’t be bought, but I can be stolen with a glance. I’m worthless to one but priceless to two. What am I? Answer tomorrow.
PEANUTS Thought for the Day:
TOMORROW February 28th is:
National Public Sleeping Day; National Science Day; Rare Disease Day; US Snow Shoe Day; National Tooth Fairy Day (I don’t need THAT!!!); 228 Memorial Day; Car Keys & Small Change Day; Floral Design Day; Inconvenience Yourself Day; National Chocolate Soufflé Day; National Essay Day; National Pancake Day.
Pancakes sound good. Without snow, snow shoes seem pointless! And I’m pretty good at Essays. Have a happy Wednesday — God bless...
I left the house early to pick up Di’s daughter Shannon for her eye appointment. As is typical, those appointments are drawn out. But she got her checkup, got a few answers, grabbed milk for her (she was out!), and I was at work by 10:30am.
Came home and changed clothes, started laundry (two loads total), had veggies for lunch, took a walk in the beautiful sunshine and warm temps, and talked to Kelly for an hour to get caught up. Peyton is working a lot of hours, Camo (Turf Boys dog) is doing well and loves everyone!, Logan likes school and is still practicing his driving skills, and Kelly is everyone’s go-to gal for help! I told her about the funeral and work and her brother’s family and baking cookies and all my appointments. Too many! Nothing too exciting for me. I did see that the daffodils are popping up!
Peeping daffodils
So to cover Sunday (which I skipped yesterday), the kids were good in Sunday School. We talked about the Israelites in the wilderness for 40 years, eating Manna and Quail – led by a pillar of clouds (by day) and of fire (by night).
Cody, Max, Jackson, Sawyer.
Todd’s message was LIVING BY FAITH. The three key points were: 1) Playing it safe in your faith does not please God – a messy faith is OK! 2) If you have a guarantee, it isn’t faith – you can have faith or control but not both. 3) Let go of security – keep your eyes on Jesus. Step out of the boat!
Todd’s message
Again, I took a walk after lunch. The stream was clear and clean, flowing well. I was somewhat confused that the one guy had a boat on the bank. I hope he isn’t planning on launching it in the stream…
Farmbrook StreamBigger boat?
Autmn and Noah were moving some things around, and I offered to watch Cameron. He was a little more fussy than usual but certainly not cranky! I did all the right things: changing diapers, feeding, playing, singing, letting him nap. When they came to pick him up, Autmn took a quick shower and gave Cameron a bath. I’m sure I’ll see him one afternoon this week. Love this little guy!
Content when he arrivedNot so content…
TRIVIA: Choose the correct spelling of this frequently misspelled word: aparent; apparent; apparant. Answer tomorrow.
PEANUTS Thought for the Day:
Could be me….
TOMORROW February 27th is:
International Polar Bear Day; National Pokemon Day; National Protein Day; National Strawberry Day; National Retro Day; Big Breakfast Day; Special Operations Forces Day; No Brainer Day; National Susan Day.
For me it’s work, dentist and a doctor’s appointment! That’s enough for one day – although I do have strawberries, but no polar bears. God bless…
I am not going to make a normal post tonight – I am watching Cameron for Autmn and Noah, and I think it will be late by the time they leave and I have everything else done. Have a happy Monday and I’ll post tomorrow!
Today took several unexpected turns – nothing distressing just not what I thought I would do. I had talked to Autmn about an afternoon visit but since she is currently staying with her mom she had to watch her little sister Josie for the afternoon. So hopefully next week we can put a day together to visit. I miss seeing my little family! She did send me some pictures.
Happy baby!Our little frog
I spent the morning doing in-house chores – like changing sheets and doing laundry and ironing and a little cleaning. Last night when I turned on the TV the fire stick wouldn’t work. This morning I tried switching the two fire sticks – one is upstairs, one is downstairs. No matter which TV or power plug I used the one fire stick did not work but the other one did. So I left the good one downstairs so I could watch TV down here. Then I started doing research and making phone calls. I decided to start at Walmart.
Dead Fire Stick
The guy there was super helpful and gave me lots of information and tips. I generally am not an impulse buyer, so I kept going and checked out Target. The clerk there looked a little familiar and from his name tag I thought I knew his dad – he was a Smail pilot back in the day. I asked him, and yes it was his son! So he gave me MORE information and the price (unlikely though it seems!) was less than Walmart! So I ended up getting the Roku. Good reviews. When Kelly & the boys come up on March 4th Logan can hook it up for me.
While I was at Target I walked around a bit, because I hadn’t been there for months. I saw something I never saw before: TUPPERWARE for sale in a retail market! Surprising.
Retail Tupperware
I came home and took a walk, then got busy making cookies. I was determined to keep experimenting until I got puffy, soft Chocolate Chip Cookies. I think these will be good! I did add a bit more flour and cooked them less. They were perfect when I tasted a warm one but I’m not eating another one until after supper.
Which is the real cookie?Still warmReady for the freezer
One little mishap – I cut my pinky finger, but not cutting vegetables! I sliced it on the Aluminum Foil box! A quick band-aid and it’s all good!
After the cookies were done I cut up the veggies, tossed them in Olive Oil and Sea Salt, and baked them for 45 minutes. They are cooling off now and then I’ll have my supper. I glanced out the kitchen door and saw the full moon bright and big.
VeggiesFull moon!
TRIVIA: Wrap aluminum foil around the stems of your bananas to keep them from ripening too quickly. (I should do that!)
PEANUTS Thought for the Day:
TOMORROW February 25th is:
National Clam Chowder Day; Lets all Eat Right Day; National Billy Day; National Chocolate Covered Nut Day (Let’s head to Smicksburg — Donna’s store!!); National Jessica Day; People Power Revolution; National Kathy Day (Yea Kath!); Quiet Day; National Nicholas Day.
Tomorrow is also 10 months until Christmas Day – as per Bud. Can’t guarantee I’ll be quiet. That’s tough for me. I’ll try to eat right since I have my veggies and fruit (strawberries and apples and bananas). Happy Sunday and God bless…
I got an early txt from Autmn that she needed to run to the store for Cameron’s food. Since she is at her mom’s – right up the road – I could take her over quick and be back in time to get the day started. All things considered, I wanted to be at Our Lady of Grace church early as I knew there would be a lot of people. And there was.
Our Lady of Grace church
I saw this morning on facebook that Kelly Smail posted a happy birthday to Taylor. Today is her 30th birthday. Not a nice birthday present for her.
Taylor and Kelly – facebook
The service was a Catholic mass and was about an hour and a half. The priest had a really good message and one thing stood out. God sets the limits of life and calls us to Him – it’s not us who set our time on earth. We must be prepared, for we don’t know the day. Don’t take any day or experience for granted. You do not expect the Lord’s return or His call to take us home. Be vigilant. Just like driving – put your life in forward (drive); don’t go in reverse. God has good things for you. To us, Mark is dead, but to the Lord and to Heaven he is gloriously alive. From this point on, everyone must move forward to build their lives in a new direction.
The funeral procession going past the dealerships – Flag at half mast.
On the way home I stopped at Lowe’s – I was looking for a mini-size can of WD-40, which I did find. I had several sticky doors that are now working just fine.
Kelly sent me a picture of Matt’s new TURF BOYS mowing team member. I think he handles the fertilizer…
When I went up for the mail I noticed a big white cross in the middle of the road in front of my house. I’m sure this means I’m marked as one of the redeemed!
I forgot to mention that on Wednesday Nate and Jen took Christina for a tour of the Point Park University campus. Chrissy loved it – Jen is already nervous about leaving Chrissy in the middle of down town Pittsburgh! Chrissy is just plain excited….
Ice rink in the background
The clouds are beautiful this afternoon!
Out my back doorLooks like the bottoms were just sliced off level!
TRIVIA – answer for yesterday: 1933. Today’s trivia is: The average adult human’s blood vessels are long enough to wrap around the Earth more than two time. That is a lot of vessels!
PEANUTS Thought for the day:
TOMORROW February 24th is:
Tourism Day; Twin Peaks Day; Whooping Crane Festival, Floating Lantern Festival; I hate Coriander Day (?); International Sword Swallowers Day; Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day; National Tortilla Chip Day; National Trading Card Day.
I think I’ll find my own little celebration! Have a great weekend and God bless…
I worked this morning, got gas in the Jeep, then came home and had a few bites of my popcorn. I was able to walk later in the afternoon when I got home and it quit raining.
At 2pm I left to meet Nate and Jen at Pantalone’s Funeral Home for Mark Smail’s viewing. We waited outside in line for almost two hours, and thankfully it did not rain the whole time we were outside. I was pleased to see several people that used to be routine people in my work life. And every one of them came up to me! Lee, Linda, Chuck, Jon and Jackie. I also saw people from a distance that I recognized but you did not dare leave your place in line!
Pantalone Funeral Home
I have honestly never seen so many flowers at a viewing in my LIFE. There must have been at least 100 baskets or vases or bouquets, plus lanterns and wind chimes and stepping stones. Amazing. I was so glad that Nate and Jen were with me, since it was such a long line and a long wait. When I finally inched up to the family, Kelly (Mark’s wife) hugged me and said, “I KNEW you would come! I knew it!”
Stock image
I understand that there was a family and close friend viewing last night that everyone attended. Today I talked to Kelly, then Taylor and Marcus (Mark’s grown children) who are very sweet and beautiful. Kelly had her sister there for moral support. Kathy Smail Johnson (and her husband Ron) were there, as were their two grown children Megan and Christopher. Ellen (Mark’s Mom) looks just the same, only her hair is gray rather than the dark it used to be. She looked a little frail and small but was the stalwart that she has always been. Jeff Jr. was there, and Lindsey. The rest of them were taking a break. I may get to say hello tomorrow at the funeral.
Marcus, Kelly and Taylor (From Kelly’s facebook page)
Being there among old friends, employees, and Smail family was refreshing despite being sad. Paying honor to Mark’s life, and his family legacy. I was privileged to be a part of the Smail ‘family’ for 52 years, and glad to be well received despite the circumstances. I wish them all peace and comfort in the times ahead. My heart is sad.
TRIVIA: In Which year did Art Rooney Sr. purchase the NFL franchise that would become the Pittsburgh Steelers? Answer tomorrow. (Mark was a HUGE Steeler fan – There was a Terrible Towel tucked in his hands plus a bottle of his favorite beer at his side!)
PEANUTS Thought of the Day:
TOMORROW February 23rd is:
Pinocchio Day; Skip the Straw Day; Curling is Cool Day; Diesel Engine Day; International Stand Up to Bullying Day; National Banana Bread Day; National Dog Biscuit Day; National Hospitality Workers Appreciation Day; National Play Tennis Day; National Tile Day; National Tootsie Roll Day.
Tootsie Rolls were our go-to treat as children – Santa always brought Tootsie Rolls for our stocking! I’ll go with that. God bless…
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